New Beginnings

It feels somewhat unsettling to start something new and stumble through looking for a foothold. That’s how I felt today as I started my new temp job. I’m sure most of you have gone through it with new faces, new policies and trying to find where everything is. My head was spinning sometimes and I was overwhelmed but then as the day wound down I was able to find a couple of things I was able to do well which made me feel, “Maybe I can do this.” That’s probably why we resist change so much. We don’t like having no control. We’re out of our comfort zone. But, you know that’s when the greatest miracle happens.

Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book The Power of Intention quotes from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred…unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” This is how I felt when this job came about. It doesn’t seem like that much of a miracle but it is something that occurred to help that would never otherwise have occurred. Especially, when last Friday they told me they had decided on someone else. Somewhere, I committed to being a part of the power of intention in bringing in money by the end of this month. It’s a beginning and each time I learn more of what I need to do to align myself to the source of everything.

Learn to get out of your comfort zone and trust.
Take action and do something. When the doors open – don’t analyze and second guess.
Be thankful for the stumbles and falls and know there’s a tender Force picking you up and showing you the way.
As you go along appreciate the journey and be kind to yourself.

What is your situation today? What are you not doing because it’s not comfortable? What are you avoiding or putting off? If it’s something that keeps reminding you to pay attention, it’s time to stop ignoring it and take action even if it’s a little step. Once you commit to taking action you will begin to see unforeseen incidents occur and doors will open for you too.

From the kitchen table – Pat
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