Dragon’s Loyalty Award
I was happy and surprised when I saw that Sherri Matthews at “A View From My Summerhouse” gave mention to my site for an award and nominated me for this Dragon’s Loyalty Award.
I had never seen it before. It is beautiful and I am extremely grateful and truly honored to be listed as one of her nominees. I’ve recently gotten to know Sherri through photographs, stories and poems.
Though, I haven’t traveled much. I enjoy taking these journeys with her down the wooded paths of the UK, as well as reading about what is going on in her life ― family, her values and struggles.
I find with Sherri, like many I’ve met around the world, there isn’t much difference. Though life is similar, she puts me in touch with a different landscape and culture. I love learning about old buildings, sculptures, landscapes and different celebrations.
Because I had never seen this award before, I thought I’d check out its origin but found there was not much information to report. I did see where Parajunkee in 2009 gave a basic explanation for it:
“The Dragon’s Loyalty Award is an award for the loyal fan/commenter, whether the recipient is a fellow blogger or just someone who follows and comments regularly”.
Rules from what’s been passed on to me
1. Firstly, display the Award on your site (see Award page or sidebar!) You earned it and you deserve it!
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award in your acceptance post;
3. Nominate 15 well deserving bloggers for the Award and let them know the wonderful news by sending them a message on their site;
4. List 7 interesting facts about yourself
My Nominees
Though I may not comment, as frequently on some as I would like, I want to give tribute and introduce some new fellow bloggers I find interesting that I follow, along with others I’ve nominated before:
Mr. Mom’s Monologue – Mr. Andi’s Daddy ― a daddy’s stories on being a father and husband
Creativity Untamed – J.M. Tompkins ― poetry, photos and reflections
Searching for the Happiness – Wendy McCance ― personal stories and internet savvy advice
Smart Living 365 – Kathy Gottberg ― live life better along with photos by husband, Tom
My Life in My 60’s – Barbara Topolosky ― what life is like now and what she’s doing with it
Living Simply Free – Lois Field ― knows how to live life fully and simply (love her Friday Favs)
The One Thing I Know For Sure – Diane Reed ― poetry and photos expressing her life and gratitude
Camino My Way – Randall Germain ― photos/personal accounts of Camino pilgrimage and other travels
Hope of Light ǀ A New Beginning – Supriya ― poetic thoughts of hope and light
Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker – Patricia Singleton ― painful journeys of incest and letting go
Free Your Mind – Yaz Rooney – life experiences and lessons learned
Journey to Ithaca – Bethany ― new adventures working through everyday challenges
Mind Chatter – Rene ― supporter of bloggers on a variety of topics paying it forward
Confidence is an Inside Job – Adalia ― a coach’s positive thoughts on life and living
Simple Thoughts From A Complicated Mine, Sort Of… – Joseph Lewis – journaling his life
Now, on to 7 things about me
1. I am officially retired – though, I’m not quite sure what that means.
2. My first job at 11 years old was working in Virginia fields at a tomato factory.
3. Married at 19 and knew my husband 6 months before we were married ― half of that long distance.
4. Moved to Colorado with no job or family/friends ― sort of modern-day covered wagon adventure.
5. Never read any classics, when I was young. There are still quite a few I’ve yet to read.
6. I couldn’t cook, when first married. Blew up frozen French Fries and started a small stove-top fire.
7. I love the thought of traveling, exploring new cultures, meeting new people and hearing their stories.
Well, that’s it on the nominations and me. Thank you again for this beautiful award and congratulations to everyone. I hope you’ll check them out and enjoy them as much as I.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
Pat, I am so happy for you….of any fellow blogger I know, you shine as one of the brightest! Thank you for coming into my life and blessing me with your wonderful posts, and those of other you have introduced me to! YOU make a difference:)
Thank you, Susan. I feel the same about you. Your photos and posts take me to places I’ve only dreamed about. You’re a joy and I’m inspired by your site and blessed to have you in my life. 🙂
Thank you, Pat. It is a joy and pleasure to bring faraway places to others who have not been there. I want others to experience it like I have, I love to share the essence and beauty of Italy. Thank you for your loyal support!
You’re welcome, Susan. At least if I never get a chance to see these places in person I’ll take the next best thing — your stories and photos. I thank you for that. 🙂
You are a wonderful support! Bless you!
🙂 hugs and blessing to you, too, Susan.
Pat, you have introduced some interesting new blogs that I will definitely check out!
Thank you Bev for stopping by and checking out some new blogs. I think you’ll find some interesting stories behind some fantastic people. 🙂
Oh, goodness, Pat! You certainly picked an interesting time for me to share 7 facts about myself… 😉 I don’t do award posts, so I will put my facts here.
1. I intend to sail down the Mississippi next summer, on my beloved Moonraker. (Do a search for “Moonraker” on my blog. It will become our house).
2. I’ve been a manipulative, self-centered liar…and the only way I could overcome it was by loving myself through it.
3. My daughter (6 years old, with autism but in general ed full time) gets in trouble more days than not.
4. I speak in a very prominent northern-midwestern dialect. And my students speak Spanish as a first language. We ask each other to repeat ourselves a LOT!
5. My daughter is named after a professor my husband had when I was pregnant. She was from Bulgaria and fascinating. We never agreed on a middle name; the birth certificate guy came in when DH was at home taking a shower. So I won!
6. My daughter’s teacher’s husband is an astronaut.
7. My husband waxes his mustache. Search for “Tweed Ride” on my blog. 🙂
Thank you for the love, Pat!
Bethany – Thank you for sharing your list of things people may not know about you. I’m sorry I forgot you don’t do awards. I hope you don’t mind me sharing your stories and adventures with my readers. They’re just too good to pass up and I’m glad to get to know you better.
I checked out your husband’s mustache in the photos in “Tweed Ride”. He looks good and it works for him. Also, enjoyed seeing that big, beautiful boat you have, The Moonraker. It must feel good to be out on the open water traveling to new sights and places in it. I’ve only been on my grandfather’s fishing boat and a small skiff — don’t know if I’d get seasick or not. 🙂
Thank you so much for this honor Pat. I don’t have the technical skills yet to put this beautiful award on my blog. I love dragons and this one is beautiful. Getting ready to be on a radio program Wednesday evening to share my story of incest and healing so it may take me a few days to write a thank you post.
You’re welcome, Patricia, and so deserving as an advocate for incest victims. Good luck on your radio program tomorrow. I know you’ll be an inspiration. 🙂
Hi Pat, Thank you so much for including me in your Dragon Award. I know you know how much commitment and time goes into maintaining and growing our blogs so I don’t ever take such recognition for granted. But I’m a bit like Bethany…I found I was spending my much needed blogging time addressing awards and decided not to post about them. But I will, like Bethany, will include my 7 unknown facts here:
#1 My official first name is Kathy (not Katherine) and my middle name is Lee. So I am an official Kathy Lee.
#2 I was born in Fort Morgan, Colorado.
#3 I have three sisters, one lives locally, one lives in Durango, CO and the other in upstate NY. No brothers.
#4 Before Thom and I married we lived together for eight months. I proposed to him.
#5 One of the first businesses that Thom and I had was running a rock and roll nightclub in Atlantic Beach, NC.
#6 My maiden name is Pfeif…I was happy to trade it in for Gottberg.
#7 I always wanted to sky-dive and finally did it (tandem) for my 40th birthday. Once you jump out of an airplane at 10,000 feet you figure you can do just about anything!
Thanks for thinking of me and including me in this award Pat. ~Kathy
No problem, Kathy. I can certainly understand in the acceptance of awards — it can be time consuming. I just wanted to be sure and share you with my readers.
I loved that you listed some things about you and that we have Colorado in common and you went sky-diving. I have that on my bucket list as one of the things I want to do. I can see by taking a leap like that how you would feel like you were on top of the world — invincible. It must be the Rocky Mountain air that spurs on that adventurous spirit.
Your welcome for the award, Kathy. I enjoy your stories and Thom’s photos and I’m glad to have you as a fellow blogger. 🙂
Woo! Hoo! You are are so deserving of this award. I agree, that is a pretty cool award. That was too funny about your blowing up frozen French Fries. 🙂
Susan – hahaha – you enjoyed that did you — me blowing up French Fries. It was pretty scary at the time with the pan on fire until my husband stepped in and put a lid on it. I was so ditzy back then. It seemed like I didn’t have a head on my shoulders or knew anything. I could have used someone like you as a neighbor to teach me cooking basics.
Thank you, Susan, for reading all these crazy stories and supporting me. You’re the best! 🙂
Thank you Pat. Congratulations on your award. Enjoy it!
You’re welcome, Yaz, and thank you. I’m happy to spread the love and share you with my readers. 🙂
Thank you, Pat. I will write up a post over the weekend when I have a bit more time. I am amazed you were willing to get married after knowing your husband for such a short period of time. I would have been terrified!
Moving to a new state where you know no one is interesting isn’t it? I moved myself and my boys to New Mexico in 1991 without knowing a soul there. I did worry though about my boys should something happen to me while we were there.
You’re welcome, Lois. No problem in getting a write-up out there. I just wanted to continue to share you with my readers.
Yes, it was a bit scary only knowing my husband 6 months and getting married, especially how it all went down. I only had blind faith, my heart and grandmother’s blessing to guide me. I wrote a story about the circumstances around it in a story called “Young Love to Old Love”. You can do a search for it, if you’re interested in reading more about it.
In hindsight, I tried to make it fun and lighthearted in writing about it because, now going on 47 years, the events were unique and unusual for young love and getting married. Who would have thought? But, that’s the down-home country girl in me. Moving across country was interesting too. I don’t know that I’d had the courage like you to move if I was by myself with young children. You’re a strong woman. 🙂
Congrats to you. You are always posting terrific stuff as well as the fact that you give other bloggers tremendous support. So very deserved!! I’d also like to thank you for the nomination. I have never seen this award either. It’s pretty cool.
Thank you, Wendy, and you’re welcome on the nomination. Yeah, the award is pretty cool looking. I’m thankful to have you as one of my favorite fellow bloggers and feel connected with you in a special way. I’m happy to spread the love and share you with my readers. 🙂
Pat, you are just so sweet. I feel just the same!!!
🙂 Happy Thursday.
Many congratulations once again Pat, I’ve been so blessed by your visits to my blog and your comments always bring a smile to my face.
Thank you for this lovely post and your kind comments about my blog. I really look forward to checking out the other blogs that you have shared here too. Building community is wonderful and I’m so glad that I met you my dear,new friend.
Have a lovely day 🙂
PS Had to laugh at the blown up french fries and the vision that conjured up in my mind!
Thank you, Sherri, for the nomination and I feel the same with you in becoming friends. I’m enjoying how much we have in common, reading your stories and learning about your life. It’s a beautiful thing and I value your input when you stop by for a visit and share your thoughts. 🙂
P.S. Yeah, on the French fry thing — didn’t think it out what would happen when hot oil met frozen fries. Ugh – dumb!
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So lovely, Lois — your write-up. You’re truly welcome for the awards and I’m happy to spread the love and share you with my readers, my friend. 🙂
Thanks for the award Pat. Even though I’ve thanked you for the award already, I’ve only now realized there’s a blog post attached to it as well. I love reading your articles they stimulate my creative mind.
Weeks later, I know what I must do to accept this award. I’ll be writing the post this week end and nominating a few well deserving bloggers.
In appreciation!!
You’re truly welcome, Adalia, and no problem in the acceptance. I know it takes work and time from your writing. I appreciate the connection we have in the exchange of our stories. It means the world to me that you enjoy my articles and find them stimulating. Let’s me know and confirms the reason why I write. I’m happy to share you with my readers. 🙂