It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, when we were up in the Rocky Mountain high country, just a short drive from where we live, taking pictures of the aspens in their transformation to Fall with the change of color in their leaves.
Here, it’s 3 months later and it’s snowing and we’ve gotten almost a foot of snow overnight with temperatures today barely reaching 10 degrees.
The fresh snowfall is beautiful and thought I’d share with you a bit of what it’s like up here in the Rockies in some photos around home. Maybe, you’ll see why I love it so much.
So, sit back and enjoy, as I take you on a tour from our back deck and down by the barn under the pine trees with our dog, Abby.
Well, it’s time for Abby and I to go back in and warm up by the fire. It’s really cold out here!
Thank you for joining me out back in the snow. I loved having you with me and hope you’ll come back and be with me again, when I go on another walk-about somewhere up here in the Colorado Rockies.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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Gorgeous photos. I am jealous of what you get to live surrounded by. I used to live in Montana and those photos really took me back. Just beautiful.
Thank you, Wendy. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I had fun taking them and trudging around in the snow with Abby. It was refreshing. I know what you mean by living in these surroundings and what it must have been like in Montana. Believe me, I don’t take it lightly and I’m constantly taken back by their majestic beauty. There is always something to see and feel in their presence. 🙂
Really nice, Pat! Your photos of the snow and your doggie are so wonderful. I love snow scenes and don’t mind being out in it for a few minutes. But you will find me standing by the woodstove with coffee looking out the window and admiring its beauty!
Hi Susan. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and I’m happy I got a chance to take you on a tour of my world for a change. I get what you say when you’d be the one standing by the woodstove with a hot cup of coffee. I do my fair share of that too.
Last night, the temps were below zero and the power went out for several hours. Hubby and I were up stoking up the ol’ fireplace to keep things from freezing. So, thankful we just loaded up with a 1/2 cord of wood.
Take care, my friend, and thank you for stopping by. I always enjoy your visits. 🙂
Hi Pat, hope you two stay warm!! Keep that old fireplace burning away. I love the sound of crackling wood. I remember listening to it while falling asleep…back in the homesteading era!
Thank you, Susan. We’re working on that. The sun was out today and appeared to warm things up a little. We had the fireplace burning all day and it about heated us out — it got so warm. I let it die down and, now, that the sun is going down, it’s cooling off fast. Time to stoke it up again.
Do that, and stay warm!!
Yep, doing that and staying warm, Susan. Thank you. Take care and have a happy Friday. 🙂
Oh Pat, I loved our walk together in the Colorado Rockies in the snow! It really doesn’t seem as if it was just days ago when it was autumn (beautiful fall Aspens!) and now to have snow, wow! I love the snow and your photos are just gorgeous. Love your sweet dog and also the cosy fireside, I can almost feel the heat! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful photos Pat and I look forward to taking another walk with you very soon 🙂
You’re welcome, Sherri. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and the read. I’m happy to take you along with me.
Yes, you’re right, on another walk, soon. Will wait for it to warm up a little first. 🙂
Sounds good to me 😉
Me too, Sherri. Those blessings are good sending and receiving any way they come. Happy Friday, my friend. 🙂
Now this is a place where I wouldn’t mind getting snowed in. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing your landscape with those of us who are “less fortunate”!
You’re welcome, Bev. I’m happy you took the tour with me and enjoyed them. It is a beautiful place and I’m mindful of it everyday. Just now, I took a short video of snow crystals floating through the sky. The video doesn’t quite do it justice, as with the sun out, it looks like sparkly diamonds floating through the air.
One of the things I love about Colorado are its Aspen trees. They are so beautiful. Love you pictures. That warm fire looks inviting. Stay warm.
Thank you, Patricia. I’m glad you liked the pictures and Colorado. Staying warm? — we’re trying. LOL
Love the contrasting photos….the light on the trees then seeing them bowed under by snow!
Hi Diana. I’m glad you like the photos and the contrast of fall and now winter. They were taken in different places, though. The aspens were taken further up in the mountains a little distance from us and the snow pictures were taken out back on our property.
Yesterday, I tried taking a video when the sun was out and snow crystals were flying around. They looked like diamonds floating around the sky as the sun reflected different colors in them. You can see it in the video but it doesn’t quite do justice to it, as if you didn’t know they were crystals you would think it was snow floating around.
These are amazing pictures Pat. I miss the first snow. Don’t get me wrong, I love living In CA but there are times I miss that first snow and all the beauty it brings. What I don’t like is all the other stuff that accompanies it…. LOL. There are trade off not matter where you live. Nevertheless, I so enjoyed you pictures.
Thank you, Susan. I can see where you could miss the snow living in CA, but only for a moment–LOL. I’ve never lived in a warm climate where there’s not much distinction in the seasons. I can only imagine how nice it could be, though. I really wasn’t ready for winter this year. I sure could have lasted a few more months with the mild fall we had — it was beautiful with the best of both seasons.
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