I love this time of year ― Fall. It’s coming fast for us in the States. It’s just around the corner, though we’re still reaching 90’s during the day. Soon, snow will be flying and we’ll be shifting our activities and mindsets on keeping warm rather than keeping cool. It’s also football season ― another clue that summer is slipping away. No longer will we be shedding our clothes for the heat but now we’ll be donning that sweater or heavy jacket.
In the fall, we harvest, it’s when we bring in the crops and prepare the soil for next year. For those of us who aren’t farmers, I’d like to think it’s a different time of harvest and soil preparation ― one of reflection and appreciation of what we’ve done, obstacles overcome, new jobs and friends along with the fun we’ve had.
One of the happy events for us, early this summer, was attending my niece’s daughter’s wedding in Missouri. It was a chance to come together at no doubt what was a lovely wedding, with all the festivities in celebration of the new bride and groom.

Ashley and Curtis’ Wedding © 2013 by Jim Ruppel
Ashley has grown into such a beautiful, young woman. I hadn’t seen her since she was small and hadn’t seen my sister and her family in over 5 years.
It was a mini family reunion and such a joy to be with family again, though with the busyness of a wedding, we didn’t get much time to visit.
Then came the planting of flowers. . .
. . .enjoying time with our grandsons
. . .and leisure walks with hubby and Abby
I also managed to create my first site video, which brought me into the 21st Century (chuckle) . . . first take, second take and on it went. Finally got it!
Having more time these days and with the change in seasons, I find myself spending some of it on reflection. The beginning of cooler days and nights gives me a feeling of withdrawal and looking within myself.
I’ve found, for me, most of our lives are spent chasing something, whether it’s hooking up with cool friends or getting the best job. It’s fun and exciting on these new adventures. At the end of the chase, when we get what we want, it’s off to the next chase.
What appears on the outside to make us happier, richer or most popular appears to be an illusion only to slowly disappear, as we get closer to catching it. To me, the more I think about it, it seems we have it backwards, at least in part.
We look to the outside, first, for excitement and satisfaction but it doesn’t seem to last. We can’t hold onto it and forget to look to the inside. Maybe, if we started by listening to clues and insight from the inside, first, before we started our chase, we’d find the insight and direction we’re looking for.
It’s a frustrating cycle, in different stages of our lives, trying to understand who we are and be accepted. I guess we don’t realize it until we take stock of our lives on who we are and what we’ve accomplished.
The moments we spent this summer on new endeavors and having fun with family and friends can be captured and pursued on the outside but where they stay is within our hearts. There, we can go and revisit them anytime we want.
Maybe, some cold, winter night you can curl up on the couch, get quiet and connect with your heart, recalling events long past. Looking at videos and listening to iTunes help in capturing the memories. I know that’s what I’ll be doing. Here’s one video I’ll be watching taken this summer at the Denver Aquarium.
(Note: This is the first time I edited a video by myself. Please be patient ― I’m a work in progress.)
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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Hi Pat,
Still the dog days of summer here (Florida) trying to avoid any hurricains that sweep across from Africa. We look forward to November when the danger subsides :o), and the weather is cooler, between 70 to 75 degrees. Believe it or not it does get cold here through the winter months at times it is in the low 30’s in the morning and does not go above 60 or 65. That is when you see all of us with jackets and gloves on :o)…I do not envy you as far as winter goes, the low temps, the biting winds, the gray days and lets not forget the snow, lovely to look at but only for a day, after that it’s all slush, drifts etc. I know the children love it, but I lived in New York for 49 years and now at 70 I am enjoying being in a warmer climate. I do miss Manhattan at Christmas I must admit. There is no place like it at holiday time, but been there did that :o)….
Hi Patricia — yes, I know what the “dog days” of summer are growing up in Philadelphia and Virginia. It’s the humidity that’s harsh not only in summer but winter too — bites right down to your bones, as I recall. But, here in the west, the air is dry and not as biting. You don’t feel the cold the same as with humidity. You can actually run between the raindrops without getting soaked (haha).
But, there’s always a trade off. I wouldn’t mind more moisture and humidity so things would be more green and we wouldn’t have to worry as much about fires. I’d also trade a little dryness for that humidity so my skin would feel more soft and not like alligator hide. But hey, can’t say I miss the mildew and bugs. Every place has things you like better than others. I love it just as it is no matter where we are and I’m truly blessed.
Lovely thoughts on this Grandparents Day. 🙂
Thank you, Cheryl. That’s right — it’s Grandparents Day and so fitting with the change in the Fall air. We get to go to our grandson’s elementary school this week to celebrate Grandparents Day and eat lunch with him and hang out for a little while. Can’t wait! 🙂
I love Fall too! My very favorite time of year. I can’t wait for it, but it quickly zips by, just like all the other seasons. Sage advice.
I love it too, April. I hear a lot of people say that, including myself, that it’s their favorite time of the year. Maybe, it’s the smells, the change in the air and the beautiful canvas Nature paints for us. 🙂
Here we are at the start of spring, such a lovely season. Weddings are awesome I love weddings, I liked the video…….
Thanks for stopping by, my friend, and that you liked the video. You’re opposite with us in the season cycles being down under. Like you, it doesn’t seem that long ago when we were stretching and coming out of the cold with the fresh taste of Spring. Where did the time go? The summer went so fast! 🙂
I love the fall season…hiking in the woods and hearing the crunch of leaves underfoot, and the leaves on the maple trees turning the landscape into a patchwork of color. It reminds me of my childhood when we used to rake the leaves into piles and jump in them. Ah, there is nothing quite like a bonfire on a cold fall day! But I believe we are in for another heat wave before we get to that stage. Nice job on your first video, Pat!
Hi Beverley – I’m glad you stopped by and shared your thoughts and feelings of Fall. Even though the aspens out here in the west are spectacular, when they change in the Fall, there’s nothing like the east or south, when the hardwood forests go wild with color. I agree and can almost smell the damp woods you describe when hiking and the crunching of leaves.
Thank you on the feedback on the video. My first try at editing it by myself and had to sacrifice some sharpness to tone down the shakiness. I would have liked to have added music too but don’t have any free downloads I can draw on without infringing on copyrights. Maybe, next time. Appreciate your checking it out – means a lot on my first try! Yeah. 🙂
Fall is such a wonderful time of I. I love spring and summer for the beauty and warmth but falls is special to my heart for all the changing colors and crispness to the air.
I’m there with you, Susan, in loving this time of year. I don’t know what it is — maybe the smells and the air like you said. It’s certainly the colors.