Getting It Going With Songs Of The Day

Come Fill Me Again

Come Fill Me Again Photo by Youssef Hanna Courtesy of PhotoDropper

I’m coming out of winter and a little slow getting things going here in the Colorado Rockies. So, I decided to put on some Jimmy Buffett this morning. Before I knew it, I was dancing around and happy. The snow is almost gone, sun is shining and I’m excited for the day to begin.

Here you go. I hope you dance around ­with me and have some fun with these songs.

Life can get heavy and complicated, at times, but when you get right down to it, it can be funny, too.

Enjoy the ride as we take a trip around the sun. We’ll chill out together with smiles on our faces.

Let’s see. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, maybe invent a story or two. How about you?

Ahh, but let’s go out, breathe in the fresh air, look around and take in the window on the world. Skies are blue here, sun is shining and a cool breeze is blowing. What’s it like where you’re at?


Happy ― Happy ― Happy!

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table

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18 thoughts on “Getting It Going With Songs Of The Day

  1. It’s been lovely and sunny here too Pat and I love to dance around like you, great songs too 🙂 Still cold at night (with threat of frost if you can believe that, having had none all winter which is so unusual for the UK) so not quite out of the woods yet, but so glad those awful storms are behind us. Have a beautiful, sunny, dancing week my friend 🙂

    • Hi Sherri – it’s good to see your happy face and like to see you dancing around, too, being happy. I’m glad you liked the songs.

      I kept seeing everyone posting pictures of flowers and green walkways and I wanted some. Instead, it snowed most of the weekend, 4-5 inches. But, it was sunny yesterday and today and it’s all gone. The air is still cool.

      Hope the cold passes over you guys fast and doesn’t hang around long. You’ll want to get out and enjoy those sunny walkabouts.

      • Thanks Pat, and for you too! It’s funny isn’t it, I wish we could have had some snow this winter. All we had was storms and more storms! Still, let’s hope that soon it warms up for us all! Have a great day my friend, and I hope the sun shines on you wherever you go 🙂

        • You’re welcome, Sherri. Let’s hope the weather sorts itself out. It’s been more normal for us this winter but I’m surprised how different it’s been for you with little snow. I thought the UK was typically more wet than most areas — similar to our Oregon and Washington — but maybe your storms were rain rather than snow. Happy Wednesday, my friend — warm days are ahead! 🙂

          • Warm days are ahead indeed Pat, thank you! Happy Thursday now to you, I’m lagging far behind this week, just managed to get my one post out for this week and none now until next week, it is a four day holiday over here for Easter, so spending time with my family and eldest son!! Have a wonderful Easter, blessings to you and will catch up with you again very soon my dear friend 🙂

          • Indeed, Sherri, warms days ahead and I’m looking forward to it. We’ll be celebrating Easter, too, with family and friends. I hope you enjoy this special time together. Talk with you again, soon, my friend. Hugs 🙂

    • Yes, Susan, happy music helps you remember warm days and sunshine rather than the temporary hold of winter. It won’t last long. Our snow that lasted most of the weekend and left us with 4-5″ of snow is gone and the sun is shining. Thank you for stopping by. I’m always happy to see you. 🙂

  2. This was a perfect post for my day today Pat, which has been lovely. Sunny and breezy, we had a wonderful morning walking by the sea, visiting our favourite island and then a wander along the cliff top – just enjoying the warmth, the new buds and flowers, the farmer planting in the fields and an ice cream on a picnic rug on the grass. A happy day indeed!

    • Oh, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Andrea. The morning walk along the sea sounds heavenly — I felt like I was enjoying it with you. Perfect get away and, afterwards, a little listening to Jimmy Buffett to put a spring in your step! Have a happy holiday weekend, my friend. 🙂

    • It was fun, Mary. I had never done a post like this before either. It came as a surprise and just seemed to happen as the morning formed. I love when that happens. 🙂

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