(Photo by Microsoft Clipart) ~~ (Meme – according to Wikipedia – it is any unit of cultural information as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.)
I’ve seen others tag each other on other blogs and thought it was interesting but have never taken the chance to enter in and play until now. I’m cheating and using most of what Patricia wrote when she tagged me. Won’t you take the plunge and join me in the fun.
The current meme was passed on to me by Patricia Singleton who writes for Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker. The article that Patricia wrote is called Tag—You’re It—Another Meme.
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share 4 things in these themes.
4. Tag 4 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (I am only tagging anyone who reads this and wants to participate. It is not required. Only do it, if it is fun.)
5. Let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. (My title is the only notification you are getting if you choose to participate.)
1. Nanny – I’ve always loved kids and enjoyed mine when they were little and I now enjoy our grandchildren so I thought, “Why not.” I watched a baby girl at the age of 3 months for 5 months until her daddy quit his day job to watch her and go back to school. It was a great experience.
2. Secretary/Admin Assistant for most of my life since I graduated from high school – actually thought I would do something different but since I took typing and shorthand in high school I always seemed to fall into this type of work.
3. Self-employed entrepreneur (Wisdom For The Ages) as a facilitator and speaker and now writer on this blog. This is the heart of what I love – learning to connect with people and talk and listen to their stories.
4. Currently working as a document specialist – data entry. It’s funny – I really like it and look forward to going to work every day. To some people, they might think how can you do such a mundane job but to me I welcome it as I get to work without any constant interruptions or answering of phones. I quietly work away in my little cubicle.
1. “It’s a Wonderful Life” – an old 1940’s black and white movie you usually see on TV around Christmas. It’s become a tradition for me to put it on Christmas eve with nothing but the Christmas lights on, the house quiet and everyone else in bed.
2. “Sleepless in Seattle” – I’m a softy for those chick flicks and a happy ending.
3. “Lady Hawk” – an old medieval time love story with a beautiful black Friesian horse. That’s what I enjoyed the most was the horse trotting to the music.
4. Anything funny and on the light side – Steve Martin and Peter Sellers movies.
1. Philadelphia – actually a small borough south of Philly (Norwood) – with my parents and sister. It’s where I grew up and graduated from school. Nothing too exciting about it with the refineries and typical suburbia.
2. Cape Charles, Virginia – first place where I truly felt at home with my grandparents. I loved being with them and my cousins and the beach. Good memories.
3. North Denver, Colorado – where we settled in shortly after we got out of the military and headed west for the first time leaving roots and family.
4. Bailey, Colorado – a small town in the mountains almost 50 miles from downtown Denver at an elevation of 8500’. We’ve lived here over 25 years and it is our slice of heaven – our home.
4 TV SHOWS THAT I LOVE (when I watch TV it’s mostly reruns):
1. Frasier
2. Northern Exposure
3. Men in Trees
4. Boston Legal
1. Virginia
2. Ohio – not for the holiday but to visit my husband’s parents
3. Colorado
4. Colorado – sounds boring but we’ve never gone anywhere for the holiday except to visit family if we’re living there.
1. Shrimp Cocktail
2. Wine and Cheese
3. Veggies and Dip
4. Lobster and Crab (I miss my seafood from Virginia)
4 WEBSITES THAT I VISIT FREQUENTLY: (It was so hard to just pick 4. I read so many. In addition to Patricia’s choices here are some more great sites to check out in spreading the love around.)
1. Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker found at http://patriciasingleton.blogspot.com/
2. The Next 45 Years at http://www.thenext45years.com/blog/
3. Blogging Without A Blog at http://bloggingwithoutablog.com/
4. She-Power.com found at http://she-power.com/
I’m happy and content right where I’m at right now. Anything else would just be icing on the cake.
I am not tagging anyone specifically. If you would like to be tagged to do this meme then go ahead. Have fun with it.
Thank you, Patricia, for tagging me and all of the readers that choose to participate. I used this meme as an opportunity to share more of my life with my readers.

Hi Pat,
LOL, I was a nanny too…many years ago. In fact, I recently went on an online search for the kids I took care of. I believe I found them, and will soon be calling them – “the voice from the past”.
Thanks for the link to my blog. I appreciate it.
I haven’t participated in any memes yet. I may one of these days.
Thanks for sharing more about you. By what you write, what you’ve done, I feel we would be friends if we met in real life. You sound like a real sweetheart.
Hi Barbara – so you were a nanny too. I love it. Kids are great. They keep us hopping and they keep us young.
You’re welcome for the link. I hope you get some people that stop by and check out your site.
This meme is fun. It gives me a chance to share more about myself and learn more about others.
Thank you for your kind words. I’d like that: to meet in real life. I think we’d have a lot to talk about. I’d like to thin we’re friends now, at a distance, but friends. I appreciate you.
Pat, I wasn’t a nanny but I ran a childcare business out of my home for 6 years before I retired the business. I loved the kids, got burned a few times by parents who didn’t pay their bills, learned there are some people you can’t help no matter how much you want to if they don’t want to be helped.
I love Colorado too. It is a beutiful place with all of its mountains. We sometimes go through Denver on our way to Idaho to visit our daughter. Our son talks about moving back there but I don’t know if he will or not.
I don’t know that name of the meme but when I was thinking about participating in this one, a game of childhood Tag came to mind so that was what I decided to name my article. Thanks for participating. It is fun to do some of these. I also like finding out more information about the bloggers that I have met online. I will be checking out Barbara and the others that you wrote about. Thanks for participating. Have a glorious day.
Hi Patricia – thanks for stopping by and commenting and for getting me started on this meme. You’re right. It is a great way to learn more about people.
LOL, you were a nanny too. So was Barbara (see comments). I guess being in the corporate world so many years I didn’t think of doing this until recently. I really enjoyed it and am still in touch with the family. The baby is walking now and has probably changed a lot. I have to call and get together.
I’m glad you like Colorado. We do too. I haven’t been to Arkansas but I have a friend I used to work with that lives in Hot Springs.
Glad you stopped by and I always enjoy your comments.