Butterfly Light Award
Oh, such a beautiful award to end with for awards on my site. How it lights up and shimmers.
It’s a great tribute to Don Charisma, when he was originally given this award, as a thank you, from Belinda (the idiot writer) when he helped fix her computer. Its glowing essence reflects love and the gift of giving.
I don’t think I’ve ever quite seen one like this and I’m deeply honored to receive it from Sherri Matthews at “A View from my Summerhouse”. It’s not only the beauty of the award but what it represents that gives it a whole new meaning of respect in making a difference and spreading light in our world.
Sherri exemplifies this with the stories she tells and how she opens her heart to the world. She makes it a little brighter wherever she lands in what she writes and the photos she shares and, for that, the world is a better place and more beautiful.
I don’t see many butterflies at 8,500’ but, when I do, it causes me to pause and take note of the splendor of their beauty and softness, as they gracefully go about their business. In just observing this, there’s a lot I can learn from them.
Like with others, there are guidelines for this award with 5 easy rules to follow if you accept. They are:
To Accept Award
1. Write an acceptance post making sure you link back to the blogger who awarded you and thank them.
Please DO NOT lump this award in with a batch of other awards.
2. Individually name and re-award a minimum of 1 up to a maximum of 9999999 bloggers. You also need to let them know either personally with a comment on their blog OR a pingback (I’d suggest their “About Page”).
3. Link back to Belinda’s blog at either:
http://idiotwriting.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/i-love-charismatic-geeks/ or
4. Write a short paragraph entitled with either “How I’m Spreading Light” OR “How I’m A Positive Influence”.
5. Display Belinda’s lovely “Butterfly Light Award” badge on your blog.
(Here’s my short paragraph)
Spreading Light or Positive Influence
In sharing my thoughts on spreading light or making a positive influence, it’s my hope that the stories I tell will bring us together to discover how much we’re alike and not so different. The stories may take place in a different time or place but reflect the same human desire to love and connect. When that genuine connection is made, magic begins and a whole new world opens up to us through the eyes of another.
There are many connections I’ve made in the blogging community that have touched my heart and it couldn’t be more fitting than to share this last award with them. Though there are some no longer accepting awards on their sites, I still want to pay tribute for the light they’re spreading in the world and say, “Thank you”. It’s a far better world because of their writing and blogging.
Life can be tough and many of my fellow bloggers have poured their hearts out in joy and pain. I hope you’ll pay a visit and see what I’ve learned from them in trying to make sense of it all. So, with no further ado, (drum roll, please) may I present the following fellow bloggers for this beautiful Butterfly Light Award:
http://irenewaters19.com (Irene – I know this is double-dipping as you already passed this award on to Sherri — wanted to share you with my readers)
As this is my last acceptance post. I wanted to extend my deep gratitude to all those in the blogging community that stopped by and honored me with awards. I’ve loved it and they’ve made me feel as giddy as a little girl at Christmas. Your visits and comments are award enough. Thank You!
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
Pat, Congratulations upon receiving the Butterfly Light Award from Sherri. From what I read here & on your website, you are a beautiful person who DOES make this a better world. I am honored by the nomination & feel humbled to be cited for making the world a little bit better. As I always do on such occasions, I ask that you accept my declining the honor due to the time which such awards demand. My thanks to you & I feel so honored that you chose me among the fine other blogs & writers. Phil from excuseusforliving.com
You’re truly welcome, Philip, and I’m happy you stopped by. I understand your feelings completely on awards and the time it takes. In fact, it’s why I decided to close my site on new awards and indicated that it would be my last acceptance post of awards.
Like you, I’m honored and grateful, when I receive one of these awards from my fellow bloggers. I get as giddy as a little girl with a new toy but I’m finding I now need to pull back and put my energy into what I want to give on this site and writing. I’m happy to be connected with you and share you with my readers. 🙂
You’re welcome, Joanne. I’m happy to share you with my readers. 🙂
What a beautiful post Pat, and many, many richly deserved congratulations to you once again. You exemplify the sentiment behind this truly beautiful award as you share so much light here in the blogosphere to me and many others.
Bless you my friend, and thank you so much for gracious and loving words. Let your light shine, today and always 🙂 <3
Thank you, Sherri. I’m truly honored you nominated me, my friend. I couldn’t have ended acceptance of these on a more perfect and beautiful award such as this. I love it and I especially love the sentiment you’re giving with it. You’re the best and this means a lot. 🙂
I feel so blessed to know that this award came to you at this perfect time, it makes me realise just how important the message behind it really is. I’ve had a tough week, my daughter is having a hard time and it brings me down, and when I feel like that I find it so hard to keep up with my writing and blogging as I feel so bad, but as soon as I get back on here and read words such as yours right here, right now, I feel that light glow within me once again and hope and encouragement lifts me right back up. It is indeed in the sharing and outpouring of love and light one to another that helps us along our journeys and supports us in this blogging community. I’ve never known anything like it, it is truly marvellous. Who says the internet is all bad? I wish I could fly over to you and give you a huge hug right now…YOU are the best Pat, and a very dear friend to me. Thank you so much. Abundant blessings, peace, love and joy to you, today and always… Sherri 🙂 <3
It’s so good to hear you’re blessed and feeling the perfect timing. It’s what it’s all about and why, I believe, we’re here. We’re connected and truly need one another in the best and worst of times. I’m so glad we’ve become friends . . . I could give you a big ol’ hug right now. I love your stories and photos and what you put out in the world. I love you. God bless you today, my friend, from across the ocean. 🙂
Everything you say I say it right back to you…and I love you too Pat, God bless you in every way 🙂 <3
🙂 🙂
Thank you for sharing this honor with me Pat…I am in great company!
You’re welcome, Bev. You’re one of the best and truly in great company, my friend. I’m happy to share you with my readers and the energy you put out in the world. 🙂
Congrats on the award. I can’t think of a more deserving person to get an award like this. You are always such a supportive role model for other bloggers and have fabulous posts to boot.
Thank you, Wendy, I’m thankful to have your support, too, especially being your friend. I always enjoy your integrity and honesty in how you pour your heart out, my friend. You couldn’t be more real than what you are and I love that. It’s an honor to share you with my readers. 🙂
Congratulations on your award and thank you for creating such a beautiful award.
Thank you, Belinda, for creating such a beautiful award. I love how it shimmers and shines. I’m honored to have received it from Sherri.
P.S. Just wondering if you have a smaller version — my site bulks at anything over 1.00 MB? Thank you, Belinda.
It was a pleasure really.
I’m glad, Belinda, as you’ve created something beautiful that exemplifies the spirit of giving and gratitude. Thank you. I’m honored to be a part of it. 🙂
<3 Very kind words – thanks 😀
You bet, Belinda. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and leave your comments. It’s nice to meet you and I hope you’ll come back again. You’re welcome to pull up a chair and sit here at my kitchen table anytime. 🙂
Bless you – thank you! And you are welcome to come over and look at stars with ME!! 😀
I will. Thank you, Belinda. Happy Wednesday. 🙂
You too 😀
🙂 You bet — thanks Belinda.
Congratulations on the award. It is so fitting and so well deserved. Aw, and thank you for the nomination Pat. You are the best, my friend. 🙂
Thank you, Susan. I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving of this award than you. I’m happy to share you with my readers, my friend. 🙂
Thanks Pat. I’m glad Sherri passed on the shimmery butterfly to you as you well deserve it . I am going to pass it by this time but I am honoured that you wanted to share me. Thanks a lot. Cheers 🙂
You’re welcome, Irene, and no problems in passing this time. I’m just honored to share you with my readers. 🙂
Ditto 🙂 🙂 LOL
Ah, thank you Pat for including me here. You do deserve this award because what always strikes me about you is your sense of sharing, compassion and wanting to make the world a better place. So a good one to end on and congratulations!
You’re truly welcome, Andrea, and thank you for your kind words. I’m so happy to include you as you always brighten up my life. 🙂
Pat, you are so deserving of this award and what a beautiful one to receive as your last. I thank you very much for the honor, as you know I no longer write acceptance posts but I appreciate your thinking of me. You have shared your award with so many wonderful blogs, some I know, some I need to visit now while I have a bit of free time. 😉
You’re truly welcome, Lois. I thought maybe you also had stopped accepting awards but just wanted to share you with my readers.
I didn’t want them to miss out on what you give to the world. Maybe, you’ll see some other like-minded fellow bloggers out there and hook-up spreading the love. 🙂
Thank you so much, Pat … for the honor. It’s really appreciated!! Hugs … <3
You’re truly welcome, Horty. I’m happy to share you with my readers. 🙂
It is my honor that you share me with them! TY … 😎
You bet, Horty. Thank you! 🙂
Congratulations Pat and thank you for the re nomination. Although I greatly appreciate it this time I am going to pass it up but the thought is certainly appreciated. Cheers Irene
Thank you, Irene. I knew you had already received this — just wanted to spread the love and share you with my readers. Have a happy Friday! 🙂
Congrats and warm regards, Don
Thank you, Don. Appreciate your reads and support. It means a lot. 🙂
Pat, Thank you for the honor of this award. I haven’t been active on my blog in awhile because of family obligations and health problems so I just saw this today. I appreciate your support and friendship.
Ahh, you’re welcome, Patricia. I know how that goes. The internet has been a bit sporadic for me, too, this summer but I’m happy you saw it. You deserve to be honored and I’m happy to spread the love sharing you with my readers. That was the last of my acceptance of awards and have since made my site ‘award free’ in acknowledgement that visitors who just stop by to read and others who choose to comment are truly award enough.
I have to admit I haven’t kept as close in touch — the summer has gotten away from me. I’m lucky to have been on the internet and post as much as I did. I hope you are well and life is good with your family and obligations. I value your friendship, Patricia. We’ll always be there to support each other in many ways. Thank you for coming by to let me know you saw it. That, in and of itself, means a lot my friend. 🙂
Hello Pat, you so surely deserve this one and its so overwhelming 2 see that you passed this on to me as well. I saw this a bit late & felt glad 2 see this unexpected gift… You made my day..& after a short break I feel like coming back to this “World Of WORDS”…Thanks so much for keeping my spirits high …Wish I could meet you personally sometime..
Have a good day & good health…!! 🙂
Thank you, Akanksha, and I’m happy to share you with my readers no matter how late. I’m glad to see you’re inspired and love that your spirits are flying high. Welcome back to the “World of Words”, my friend. Wish we could personally meet, too — gives it all more meaning and purpose feeling like it’s a small world after all. 🙂
Hey…it’s so nice to hear from you..Have a great day ahead…!!
Same here, Akanksha. It’s great to hear from you, too. Hope you have a great week! 🙂
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Thank you for your invitation to be a part of the blog award. You humble me. However I will sadly have to decline. This time of year is so hectic for me and my hubby is having health issues. I will however continue to visit your wonderful blog. It is one of my favorite places to go whenever I get some time.
Congratulations again and I hope you are having a wonderful summer. :o)
You’re truly welcome, Patricia, and you don’t have to worry about taking part in passing it along. It’s been awhile since I posted that and since then, for many of the same reasons you mentioned, I put notice on my blog that I’m ‘Award Free’. It became harder for me to participate and give due credit to my fellow bloggers. I just feel people stopping by and reading whether they leave a comment or not is award enough. 🙂