Christmas Star © MSN Clipart
For Christians all over the world, the season of Christmas is upon us. It’s a holy time when we’re reminded of the birth of Christ, as God’s gift to the world. We celebrate it in many ways, as more of the spirit of love comes alive when we get together and give. I can see it in the acts of kindness, the glee and laughter of a child or a twinkle in the eye of a giver in anticipation of the opening of a gift.
Christmas! What makes it so magical compared to the rest of the year. It’s like the innocence of the child within me is born and, once again, I remember believing and looking for something beyond my imagination.

Christmas Bears Photo © 2014 by Pat Ruppel
I reach out to those I may not have seen or spoken to in years. A card comes in the mail or I get a chance phone call and the feeling of connection and love is once again alive. It’s truly a magical time of the year.
The corny, old movies are played on TV and I watch them again and again (I never get tired of “It’s a Wonderful Life”). Celebrities put on musical specials and I get the feeling I’m not the only one wanting to give what I can and share love.
So, what I would like to do is give something to you in this spirit of the season of love. I’d like to share my pine cones with you in the best way I know how to do. By way of this coupon, I’m giving a 90% discount (maximum allowed on total product in Etsy excluding shipping) through the Christmas weekend, Dec 28th, on the pine cone listings in my shop.
Just go to “PatsPineConesAndMore” and in your checkout cart use the coupon code below (sorry – I’m only set up for US):
This is my way of giving back for all the blessings I’ve received this year. God bless you all and may this time find you well with joy in your heart.
For my visitors and followers outside of the U.S. who are unable to take advantage of this offer, please know how much I love and appreciate each one of you. I wish you many blessings in the New Year and a Merry Christmas!
Note: Please comment here or contact me on my shop and let me know what you like and if you’re planning on placing an order so I can increase my limit in stock items and possible time of processing. Thank You!
Pat from the ‘ol kitchen table
Happy Holidays my friend. I’m now off to check out your pine cones. 🎄🎅🏻😊
Happy Holidays to you, too, Susan. Let me know what you find. Thank You! 🙂
Merry Christmas Pat! I pray for a blessed New Year for you and your husband.
Thank you, Susan, and I pray the same for you and your family. God bless this Christmas and in the New Year! 🙂
Merry Christmas, Pat. I wish you and your husband all the best memories made this Christmas.
What a lovely gift to give such a huge discount on your pine cones. I’d be rushing over if I didn’t have my own. 🙂 My pine trees have given freely of their cones this year.
I’m wishing the same for you, too, Lois, a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. May it be full of love with family and friends and special.
Thank you on the pine cones. I’m taking notes on some of your blogging tips and getting crafty in my golden years looking at what I can do with what’s right under my nose. I’m amazed at the things I’m finding I can do with pine cones. No doubt you’ve probably already come up with some ideas of your own.
I’m just happy to share and give away (would have made them free minus shipping but Etsy has their guidelines). There are always ways to give and I love that Christmas shines and brings that out more in people this time of year. God bless you and hugs — see you in the New Year, my friend. Take care.:-)