Men Walking in the Woods by MSN Clipart
I’m lying low these days and taking advantage of the cold and wintry season to soak in the writings and reflections of others. I’ve felt spent with no words of my own, like what my fellow blogger Andrea Stephenson speaks about in “Anatomy of Creation”,
“My creativity was stripped back and emptied out. Now, I’m armed only with dreams and bones.”
Maybe, it’s a way of discovering and nurturing dreams I didn’t know I had and the making of new decisions. I like what she follows up in saying:
“I’ve seen the patterns begin to emerge – one idea building upon another, unlikely links forming, layer on layer, becoming seeds of something soon to be born.”
I’m feeding and drawing on the wisdom and energy of authors in so many good books at my disposal in hubby’s library. I didn’t know it would feel this good to read all day, fantasizing, caught up in another world. It has been exactly what I’ve needed and I’m being inspired.
I’m enjoying this dormant place with an occasional spark of excitement for new things to come, of which I have no knowledge. In retrospect, as I pan over my life, I suppose I can feel what Maya Angelou wrote, “Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.”
Friday, I am going in for an eye appointment for another consultation on cataract surgery. I can’t help but feel this has been part of the journey in a life-long dream to see clear. I don’t know that I’ve ever known what that has felt like.
I’ve always experienced some compromises in correcting my vision but the stress I’ve felt in this process has been surprisingly emotional. I’m confident in knowing I’ve done my research and I’m now on the right path. It’s one of those new decisions bound to make a huge difference in my life.
Some of what I’ve taken from the things I’ve read over the past several months is that we’re important and connected, no matter how much of it we understand. Just as Sue Hubbell talked about with her bees’ sudden change of direction in her book “A Country Year”, there is a voice speaking to even some of the most miniscule creatures giving guidance and direction. We just need to be open to hear it.
I’m listening and opening my ears, more and more, every day to hear, feel and witness the miracles of life. It’s in the stillness, when my soul is touched, and I take comfort that voice will be there for me, as well, in the decisions I make and how my life unfolds.
The journey is good and wouldn’t take nothin’ for it, plugging along inviting the miraculous. How about you and your life’s journey? Are you beginning to stir and feel the life coming back about ready to change? I’d like to hear about it.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
I am looking forward to cold and wet days, I know that sounds strange but a I do like the odd cold, wet day when I can curl up at home and just chill
I know it’s been hot down there in Australia, Joanne. I can see why you’d be looking forward to a change in seasons and cooler days. When fall came and winter settled in this year, I wasn’t ready for it. I was happy with warm summer days and playing outside in my yard. But, I’m surprised how fast this winter has gone and I’ve enjoyed being closed in and curled up inside with my books. I’ve discovered a whole new world and hope it lasts a little longer. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Oh Joanne — wanted to let you know I updated this post with adding a song at the end. I know you enjoyed the music on another post and here’s another from the same artist, Carrie Newcomer. Hope you enjoy it, if you get a chance to take another look. Thank you! 🙂
Pat, your writing has become deeper and more profound these past couple of years. I sense a melancholy about you and I encourage you to “be still” (an Eastern philosophy) before you are caught up in the motion of the Universe again. This is a time for you to take care of you…and when you see clearly, the creative thoughts will flow again. Hugs to you and positive thoughts for a successful surgery. Bev
Oh, Bev, I like that when you say “when I see clearly“. I know you understand and thank you for confirming a sense of depth and melancholy in my writing, when the words are there. I’m feeling there’s a lot more going on the inside than what I’m capable of realizing right now and so, like you said, I’m listening and being still. Even though thoughts slip in occasionally that I ought to be doing something, I’m soaking in the silence and enjoying this blissful time. I’m learning to take care of myself from the inside out and it’s feeling so good.
Thank you for your encouraging words and spiritual insights. It means a lot and strengthens me, in spirit, that I’m on the right path for what’s possible in my life. Looks like vision is the next step to take. Hugs and love for your positive thoughts, my friend. 🙂
Pat, it’s good to know you are taking time off to just be, and soaking up books is a great way to to that. 🙂 Good luck with your cataract surgery. My grandparents were thrilled after theirs and had the best eyesight of their lives afterwards.
Me? I’m getting antsy to get outside, so much so that I found pleasure in chopping ice yesterday. 🙂
Thank you, Lois, for your encouraging words. I’ve heard so many positive stories from people who have had cataract surgery and, yet, it’s been extremely emotional for me. Maybe, that’s because all through my life it’s been a challenge to get the right correction for my eyes. It’s not like they can go back in this time and re-tweak it, repeatedly, if it’s not right the first time.
Last year, it took 4 months to get a comparable correction for contacts and this year, not even trying for a correction was an option, just the surgery was recommended. Funny why I would get so upset over this when hubby said I had no problems dealing with cancer. Go figure.
Won’t be long and spring will soon be here. I can already see the birds clustering and chirping in the trees. That’s a good sign, for sure. 🙂
I understand why cancer wouldn’t have bothered you as much as eye surgery. Without our eyes there is so much lost that we enjoy and make life special. Cancer, I had it at age 23, it was just another obstacle to beat for me.
Anyway hope you are doing well and your surgery went smoothly. I’ve been concerned about you.
Hi Lois — I hear what you’re saying. Either way, whether it’s cancer or cataract surgery, life can sure stop you in your tracks and make you take note of what’s important. I know it sure has for me and life changing.
I’m now in the middle of the cataract surgeries having already had one surgery completed on one eye and awaiting the surgery on the other. Already, I’ve noticed a shift not only in my sight but perspective in how my heart sees the world. I don’t have the whole picture yet as there’s more going on than what I’m capable of understanding right now.
I know I’ve been off the grid for awhile but hope to have a lot to write on this as the timing of it unfolds. So happy you stopped by and shared your thoughts, Lois. Thank you! 🙂
I think something is in the air, so to speak. I am experiencing some of the same feelings you are. Moving to this new house has brought with it many changes. As I recently wrote in my blog I am taking time from blogging for this move. However, this time also allows me to just ‘feel and reflect’ on the journey before me. Yes. I believe change is in the air for many of us. Know this, although I may not always comment on your blog I enjoy reading it and look forward to receiving it in my email.
Thank you, Cheryl, I’m glad I’m not alone in experiencing these feelings. It’s life changing, for sure, and interesting. I agree that there’s change in the air for many of us. I can feel it and it’s good to be alive in these special times. i believe it’s ones like you and others, hopefully me too, that will usher in a small portion of the energy this world so desperately needs just by our pure willingness to choose to make these necessary changes in our own lives.
I truly appreciate your visits and that you enjoy receiving notices of my new posts in your email. I love you for that, my friend. You made my day. 🙂
I watch how the seasons change the environment. How one moment, a tree is in full bloom, and the next, it looks like life has gone out of it.
I’m looking forward to the cold and rain to subside. To see my tulips grow, and sit out on our balcony with a cup of coffee.
This time of year is a good time to read, as you are doing. Reading always helps my creative juices flowing, and I could use the help right now.
I don’t know if you read on a kindle, nook or computer, but I found a great site that has many books – http://www.forgottenbooks.com/introduction. There are so many classics I’ve never read, but I’ve received a few through the free book a day on this website.
Have a great day!
Hi Denise — thank you for stopping and sharing. So true in how quickly things change in our seasons and environment. It’s all around us and happening all the time. No different when there’s changes going on within us, too. You’re right in that reading helps brings that out and gives us time to pause and reflect. I’m loving that.
Appreciate the link and information on great books to read. I don’t read books much, electronically, from the computer as the distance isn’t good for too long with my vision. I enjoy reading more holding a book.
Because I disliked reading so much as a kid, in the early part of my life, I have a lot of catching up to do in authors and classics to read. It’s going to take the rest of my life to get a handle on it. Whew! Thank you again for all the information — you’re the best. 🙂
Hi Pat, as one who hasn’t always seen clearly herself, I can relate. I hope you have much success with your cataract surgery and can feel all the positive thoughts coming your way! 🙂
Aw, thank you, Susan. Yeah, that glasses/contact thing leaves much to be desired in some cases. I know you understand. Appreciate your kind thoughts and warm wishes, my friend. I feel them comin’ my way. 🙂
Pat I am deeply apologetic that I had no idea you were going into have surgery on your eyes , I do wish you fast healing Im sure you will have the support of loved ones surrounding you, will be sending love and energy your way.
Lifes journey I have realised does not stop till you leave this life , at times can be very hard to except what is being thrown out
Life is intricate the littlest piece out of place can throw us into turmoil, know that its ok to feel because when we feel it makes us stronger in strength and we get better in dealing with what gets thrown our way.
Take care my friend know that all is as it should be
Love Roz
Hi Roz — so nice to see you over here, my friend, and all is okay, thank you. I truly appreciate your apologies but I’m enjoying your visit even more. I see you all the time on Facebook and happy as can be that you came by with warm words of encouragement. You just made my day and means a lot.
I’m not having the surgery tomorrow. It’s another consultation with a different eye surgeon. I feel better with this choice so far and will take it one step at a time. At least, I feel I’m in good hands with more information at my disposal and getting my questions answered.
You’re right, when you say life is intricate, and the slightest shift can take us in a totally different direction changing our lives forever. It’s all good, though, as it’s the journey that’s important not so much the destination. We always have the silent one with us every step of the way ready to help. It reminds me of a little poem I came across many years ago:
Dear Pat, sometimes it is the only thing to do, take time out to reflect, read, unwind from the call of social media and all that is ‘out there’. I struggle with the balance all the time, wanting to concentrate on writing my book, but so many other things beckon. The housework for one! I will be praying for you tomorrow as you go for your consultation, that you will have total peace for the decisions that you need to make for your vision. As I read your thoughtful and heartfelt words, beautifully written (and I remember reading Andrea’s wonderfully creative post) I am reminded of the scripture: ‘Be still and know I am God’ And ‘In quietness and in trust is your strength. In repentence and rest is your salvation.’ Not that I’m saying you need to repent, far from it, but these are two scriptures that I pray often, for my own peace of mind, and hope to encourage you with today. It really is in that place of utter quiet that we hear that still, small voice of God as it floods us with calm and strength to carry on. So I say, God bless you dear friend, and may your journey be flooded by that very same calm.
Yes, that’s so true, Sherri, thank you. I’m taking time to reflect, read and soak in all the good things I have around me and in my life. Sometimes, I get so caught up in living and doing I miss the subtle nuances and tender spirit that’s gently guiding and nudging me along this path. I know I’ve missed it so many times pushing the river so hard trying to make my life run where I think it should go. Now, I’m feeling more and allowing — getting better at listening. It’s a sweet place to be in and my heart is happy.
Thank you for your warm words of encouragement and strength of spirit in scripture. The words are simple but hold much truth and touch my soul ~~ “Be still and know I am God”. I feel your love and prayers — God bless you, my friend. Thank You! 🙂
Pat, What a wonderful, warm post….images of you curled up with a book! Don’t sweat that cataract surgery too much! Wife Geri & I expect to have it down the years from what our doctor monitors & tells us. Geri is more seriously monitored every 3 months for glaucoma. And thanks for the “Like” on my latest “Excuse Us…” That was an important one for me re the subject!!! Phil
Hi Philip — thank you. I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I truly appreciate your vote of confidence on the cataract surgery. That means a lot to me. Things are moving right along with it and I have my surgeries scheduled for April and May. I hope when the time comes for you and Geri it will all go smoothly for you as well.
With regard to your last “Excuse Us” post on Bill Moyers and change in America, I picked up and sensed the importance of it for you in the writing. It’s a key topic and one that affects us all. I tried to comment a couple of times in addition to the “Like” but was having trouble so I took as not being the right time. But, later found the right words and shared my thoughts.
Glad you stopped by again and look forward to connecting again in sharing our stories. Take care, my friend, and hope you have a great weekend. 🙂
Pat, Enjoyed your comments on my website. It doesn’t seem to permit me to reply again when someone comments a second time. Willam Ury & his message were VERY impressive to me. Harvard Anthropologist! My notes: The Third Way, roots in Abraham & his life path from birth to death, The Walk, Walk & Talk, Change from hostility to hospitality, an answer to terrorism, use tourism, do the walk anywhere, Take the third side, engage/talk, & Peace! The Third Side is us taking a single step each of us. The spider webs unite & halt the lion of war!!!
Pat, very powerful!!!!! Many thanks for this to explore!
Did you get that Google Discussion Group going?
Hi Philip — sorry you couldn’t reply to my comment on your site on the change in America post. I’m so glad you enjoyed William Ury’s TED talk and found his message to be impressive. He is inspirational and pretty amazing and I was happy I got a chance to be part of an NCDD (“National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation“) conference in which he participated in Denver in the early 2000’s. His work is very interesting and powerful, like you said. I don’t know why it hasn’t made more of a newsworthy splash than it has. Maybe, the world, and the energies that be, aren’t quite ready for these types of peaceful solutions as yet.
With regard to my own explorations on Google Discussion Groups, I haven’t looked any further into it (thank you for asking). However, shortly after my last post on that, I did have a fellow blogger connect with me on a Google+ chat to help show me around and give me some instructions on the best way to use it. I think I’m at a point where I need to look at it from a different perspective and come back from another direction through building personal relationships and rapport with a few where everyone can share privately and feel comfortable.
Great talking with you again, my friend. I enjoy the exchange and your thoughts on these important topics. 🙂
I agree with Cheryl, there’s definitely something in the air. I notice more people are lying low – literally and figuratively. I’ve learned Andrea is fighting illness (don’t know what) and I’ve been in the doubt doldrums whole winter long.
It’s all part of the seasons in a human life, right? Or eb and flow. We need the quiet time to reflect upon important things and when those issues are not getting the attention it requires, ‘nature’ (our body nature) interferes one way or another.
I wish you the best of luck with the eye surgery. It’s all good. Be well soon, Pat.
Thank you, Karin. You’re right, along with Cheryl, that there’s definitely something in the air. I can feel it and seems to be more people sensing it, too, from what I’ve read on other sites. Changes are happening, within and without, and they’re subtle and yet sweet, even though difficult and scary in the process. It is like the seasons, where you first begin to feel it and then see it, in all it’s glory, making me wonder when did that happen.
Hope spring and the warmer weather will help you come out of your winter doldrums and awaken in you a new freshness to life. I know the wheels are already in motion for me in this cataract surgery. Thank you for your best wishes and vote of confidence, my friend — truly means a lot! 🙂
Pat, thanks so much for your reference to my post. I’ve been out of action for a little while so apologies for not getting by sooner. That place of taking nothing for the journey now is one I aim to get to! Wishing you luck with the surgery – you may not yet see clearly with your eyes, but you see clearly with your soul 🙂
Hi Andrea and you’re welcome in the reference to your post. I can appreciate you’re need to be off the grid for awhile — it’s been the same for me, even to where I’ve entertained getting off the internet altogether. Sometimes, I’ve wondered, “What’s the point?”
But, then, I rethink it when I read something that restores my soul and see all the wonderful things people are doing. I realize the many beautiful friends I’ve made here and all over the world on their sites. I realize how important it is to me in the shared thoughts with the same feelings and the many connections I make.
I appreciate your kind wishes on my cataract surgery. Your vote of confidence means a lot to me and I get the feeling there’s more going on with this in my soul than I can imagine. I hope I’ll be able to see that, too. 🙂
I’m a little late getting here, Pat, but I made it! 😉
I really like this. Even the “bad” times in life are so much an important part of the journey. Right now, I’m still continuing to see reality through the fog and work toward the MAJOR changes I’m making in my life! Gradually, it becomes less and less scary.
How did your consultation go? Keep us posted, and I can’t wait to read about your experiences of being able to see the world so clearly!
So happy to see you again, Bethany, and glad you enjoyed it. Thank You! You’re not alone in the MAJOR changes, my friend. From what I’ve been reading on others’ sites, we have a lot of company. One of my fellow bloggers even commented that she thought it was something in the air. A lot of us can feel the shifts within even though we can’t yet see what’s happening yet. Keep doing what you’re doing as it sounds like you’re sailing for the light at the end of the tunnel just fine.
I’m moving right along with the cataract surgery (thank you for asking, my friend). I have one eye scheduled for mid April and the other the beginning of May. I’m looking forward to seeing the best ever and trying to imagine what that would feel like. It’s got to be something out of this world — right? — special! 🙂
Hi Pat! In some ways I envy your taking the time to pause and surrender to all that is in the present moment. Our seasons are reversed and right now is our “active season” so there’s been constant movement and lots of energy. I’m looking forward to summer arriving and bringing the heat (we live in the desert southwest) so things will slow down and everyone starts moving at half speed. I would love to spend some of that time reading and reconnecting.
Meanwhile I believe your eye surgery (ies) will go very well. As everyone else has stated the usual response is very positive. The clarity to come is sure to be illuminating. ~Kathy
Thank you, Kathy — it has been nice taking this time to pause and surrender. So many times, we find ourselves scurrying around not really sure what we’re doing or where we’re going. It has been interesting, indeed, and sometimes I feel a little guilty but quickly correct myself in the knowing that I’m exactly where I should be at this time.
Spring and summer is coming fast for us, too, and I can already feel everything awakening within and around me. Strange how this year, I’m not quite as ready for winter to end as I have in the past. I can see where things will start to slow down for you, come summer, with living in the desert southwest; where, for us in the Colorado Rockies, things pick up in the summers without so much heat. It’s all beautiful and perfect in how it unfolds with magic in the air.
I thank you for the encouraging words on the cataract surgeries and a vote of confidence with so many that have had success with it. The eyes are the windows to the soul and I like how you said “the clarity to come is sure to be illuminating” (that’s prophetic). I can almost feel it. 🙂
It takes a lot of courage to pause and reflect and try to listen to that inner voice Pat. I try and get sidetracked and then find myself back in the fray again, sometimes floundering. Having surgery ahead of you must be on your mind so I am thinking of you and pray that the op goes to plan. Reading isn’t self indulgent – it’s vital if you wish to write. all the best Diana
Thank you, Diana, for your wisdom and encouragement. I try to make these life changes, like you said, and flounder and get sidetracked wondering if I’m making any progress at all. I think so — it must just be part of the process — to get up and keep working at it.
You’re right about the surgery being foremost in my mind. I guess it’s mainly because our sight is such a big part of our everyday lives. I’m reminded of it continuously but hopeful and getting a little excited the closer it gets. I thank you for your prayers and look forward to more reading. It’s true what you said in that it helps with writing. I lacked that for such a big part of my life and have a lot to make up for in reading. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 Happy to see you stopped over.