Writing, Arts, Communications by MSN Clipart
This is something new to me, a Writing Process Blog Hop and I’m truly honored to share my piece.
I’m a little nervous about it, as I’ve not taken part in something like this before. I know writers all over the globe participate in numerous writing discussions and exercises but I never thought I’d have much to add nor what I wrote would compare.
I’m discovering I may have been wrong and can offer value with what I have to say.
So, I’m adding my voice because, first of all, I get to introduce you to this newly acquainted author that drew me to this process, talk about why and how I write and share 3 amazing fellow writers. Whew! Here we go.
Writing Process Blog Hop and How It Works
First, I’d like to present, author, Mary Lansing, whom I thank for inviting me. From there, I will answer 4 questions about my writing. Then, I will end with three authors/bloggers I admire and respect that have graciously accepted to take part with me in this writing blog hop and keep it going.
Mary Lansing ― Along Comes Mary
Mary is a California girl who loves a good adventure, road trip or just being with her family and dog. Writing her whole life, she launched her blog, Along Comes Mary, 2 years ago and loves the opportunities gained through it!
Her blog reflects her passions, adventures (sometimes, mis-adventures), comings and goings throughout LA.
She is a Gluten-Free Pescatarian and her occupation in life is having as much fun as possible, as well as working in the technical side of theatre. She is also an Assistant Editor for an up-coming documentary on Diabetes, being a Type 1 since she was 8 years old.
You can connect with Mary at:
Blog: http://alongcomesmaryblog.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alongcomesmary26
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maryfarquhar
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Writing Questions
Now, for my answers to the writing questions:
1. What am I working on?
I just finished composing and submitting my skills to Colette Sexton at SkillPages, a networking site similar to LinkedIn. She found my profile and found it interesting how I self-published an e-book and videos by myself.
She contacted me back in December of 2013, to see if I’d be interested in preparing a write-up to be featured for the SkillPages Blog. Needless to say, it took a while. Writing doesn’t come easy to me, especially technical writing. I’m hopeful it will meet her satisfaction to be included on the blog.
2. How does my work differ from others of this genre?
I think my writing is somewhat different from other writing genres because it’s nonfiction; most of what I’ve seen is fiction writers. My stories are personal and I write about things that have happened to me and the people I’ve met ― some are funny and others serious ― reflections of everyday life.
I call them “kitchen-table” stories because they may be accounts of experiences brought up in places where we’re most comfortable to talk freely with those we trust. It’s in that venue where we feel most familiar, connect and listen to one another.
3. Why do I write what I do?
I want to help through my words and connect with my heart, where I feel life is most real and vulnerable for us. I’m interested in our differences, what we believe in and how we’ve arrived at that. We are bombarded by so much negativity, I want to put something out that is uplifting, tugs at your heart and makes you laugh.
I believe when we find that special space, common ground, we listen and begin to trust. From there, anything is possible and is where magic happens and lives are transformed.
4. How does your writing process work?
I don’t really have a process. I write when I’m triggered by something or inspired ― a thought, song on the radio, passage I read. It’s random. I don’t have a daily routine where I sit down to write for a set amount of time.
I guess if I would adapt to that type of regime I could produce more writing. It may be something I’ll embrace, as time goes by. For now, I’m appreciating the pleasure of life and the freedom of how it unfolds, unpredictably. That is what I enjoy most is I never know what is going to show up and how the story will be revealed. It’s my desire that, in the telling, what I write will make a difference.
3 Fellow Writers I Enjoy Reading and Recommend
Now, my favorite part, sharing the biographies of 3 fellow writers of which I admire and enjoy reading their writing:
Sherri Matthews: A View From My Summerhouse
Once a mum, always a mum and happy I was to be defined by my life with my children.
Yet, there was more, another career that beckoned, its whisper becoming a roar as it brought me closer to my dream. Always a writer but I just didn’t know it yet.
The years rolled by, I took a few hits and got back up again. And a few times more.
Then, in 2011, life gave me something back when it yelled, ‘Here’s your chance, take it.’ Made redundant for the second time due to office closure at the same time that my then 18-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (after years of seeking help), I became her full-time carer because she needed me.
Out of paid employment? Yes. Helpless? No! This time I took my chance. Jumping in at the deep end I plunged in, feet first, to pursue my life-long dream of seeking a career in writing, late-bloomer though I was. Risky, yes, but it was time to get writing, seriously writing.
Two and a half years later, with a couple of articles and a short story published in national magazines, I am writing a memoir about some of those ‘hits’, have several writing works and submissions in progress and keep ever-busy posting regularly on my blog, A View From My Summerhouse (https://sherrimatthewsblog.com).
My blog gives me the perfect writing platform from which to document my writing journey towards book publication, as along the way I share my personal experiences of life, both here and in California where I lived for twenty years, as well as my attempt to educate about Asperger’s Syndrome. My passion, ultimately, is to show that it is possible to keep your writing dream alive along with your sense of humour even when life has other plans.
© Sherri Matthews 2014
Published Writer, Freelance, Blogger
You can connect with Sherri at:
Blog: https://sherrimatthewsblog.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/aviewfrommysummerhouse
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sherri-matthews/60/798/aa3
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Andrea Stephenson: Harvesting Hecate
Andrea has written fiction since she was a child, but has written seriously for a number of years, including short stories and “The Skin of a Selkie”, her first (as yet unpublished) novel.
She feels that she reached a happy turning point in her creative life just over a year ago when, having had little success before, she won prizes in two writing competitions within a month of each other. She went on to start her blog and has never felt more inspired creatively.
Andrea finds inspiration in nature, the coastline and the turn of the seasons. She believes we all need a little enchantment in our lives, so her stories tend to include a hint of magic. During the day, Andrea manages a group of libraries, community centres and Tourist Information Centres, but by night she is a writer, artist and witch. She lives in the north-east of England with her partner of 18 years and an adolescent Border Terrier.
You can connect with Andrea on:
Her Blog: http://harvestinghecate.wordpress.com/
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Diana Jackson: A Selection of Reflections and Diana Jackson’s Muse, Views and Reviews
Diana’s old friend Norman of 103 years was the inspiration behind her blog ‘selections of reflections’, as she wanted to share some of his special and remarkable life.
As time went on, she ‘met’ other amazing folk with their own tales to share, both personal and of friends and family members, but all unique – heart-warming tales – challenging journeys – new beginnings – stories with a message – tales to amuse.
Through her blog posts, Twitter and Facebook, Diana feels that she has made friends and connected with people in very special ways.
The table turned for Diana last August when her own journey of life altered dramatically. So from May 2014, she has decided to share some of this exciting, secret and rewarding times with others on this blog too!
You can connect with Diana at:
Twitter @Riduna
Facebook Diana Jackson’s author page
And on her other blog www.dianamj.wordpress.com
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Thank You ― Thank You ― Thank You! Once again, I’ve learned more as I took the challenge, stepped out and joined this Writing Process Blog Hop. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to add my writing piece and for the wonderful fellow writers and blogging community.
Pat at the ol’ kitchen table
Wonderful article!! SkillPages sounds interesting. I’d never heard of the site.
Thanks, Wendy, I’m fairly new to it but it looks to be a good venue for connecting professionally. Let me know what you think and hope to see you over there.
I’ll have to look into it.
Let me know what you think, Wendy. I’d be interested in hearing what you find out and if you think it would help making connections.
Okay. 🙂
Sounds good. Thank you, Wendy. 🙂
Some great sounding blogs listed here
Hi Joanne — I love it when you stop by. Hope you check them out. I think you’ll enjoy them. 🙂
Pat, thank you so much for inviting me to take part in the blog hop. It’s great to be involved in something else to help build up a writing community and to find out more about you, your writing philosophy and the other bloggers you’ve introduced us to. You’re definitely achieving your aims of creating an inspiring place where people can connect with one another.
You’re truly welcome, Andrea, and thank you. I’ve enjoyed having you participate and learn more about you in this writing process. It was new for me and I’m learning all the time how to make those connections and, like you, put myself out there. I’m happy to honor your writing and share you with my readers. 🙂
Great post Pat, thanks so much for including me in your Writing Process Blog hop and putting this together! I can only hope that I’ll be able to do the same! Your posts are always of the highest quality and your life philosophy in connecting through our writing and so through our differences is to be greatly admired.
I have never heard of SkillPages so am curious to see what it’s all about and what you think about it. I so enjoy your life stories and look forward to sitting around your kitchen table to share them with you time and time again, my friend 🙂
Hi Sherri — I’m glad you like it and have to thank you for being a part of it. I hope I did you justice and others will come by for a visit to read. I always love reading your English adventures from your view of your Summerhouse. Funny, I’m writing from my kitchen table and you’re writing from your Summerhouse — different, yet so similar.
As I mentioned to Wendy, I’m fairly new to SkillPages and don’t have many connections, yet, but it’s building. I have had a couple of job offers and I guess that’s a good thing as you build up your community.
I’m looking forward to your blog hop post and who you introduce to us. Truly appreciate your kind words on writing and philosophy. They mean a lot to me, my friend. 🙂
Bless you dear Pat, and yes, that is really nice knowing that you are at your kitchen table and I’m in my summerhouse…so what if a few miles are between us? Here we are, connected and journeying together 🙂
That sounds great about SkillPages, so happy for you. I’ll have to check it out.
Your loving ways reach out to us all and I’m proud to share your story on my blog. I’m waiting for one other person and then I’ll get to it, but I’ll keep you posted with it all.
Have a lovely weekend my dear friend, I hope the sun shines on you 🙂
I like it, Sherri, that we can connect no matter how many miles apart — the wonder of technology. The journey is what’s important. If you check out SkillPages, let me know how it works for you.
Take care and hope you have a great weekend, my friend. Looking forward to seeing your blog hop post, your guests and what your answers are to the questions. 🙂
Thanks so much Pat and I certainly will once I’ve had a chance to check it out.
I’m waiting on one more person for the blog hop and I hope to get my post out by mid-week but I’ll let you know.
I hope you had a good weekend too and an even better week ahead my friend and look forward to catching up again soon 🙂
You’re welcome, Sherri, and me too. I’m looking forward to catching up again soon. Take care and happy Monday, my friend. 🙂
Ditto 🙂 🙂
Wonderful blog, Pat! So happy Susan introduced us 🙂
Me too, Mary. Susan is the best. I’m glad you like it and hope it attracts more to your site and writing. Thank you for inviting me and giving me this opportunity to share. 🙂
Thanks so much Pat! Your current project is certainly a diversion to your reflections on life that we love hearing about so much on your blog. Your warm personality always shines through, Pat. Many thanks for including me in this Hop. I promise to make the leap forward, even though it may take a couple of weeks or so. all the best Diana 🙂
I know, Diana, on my current project. It’s more technical writing and hasn’t been easy, though I’ve tried to still include some sort of reflections. I think that may be part of the problem. In the end, I’m not sure if it will work for them. We’ll see. I’m hoping. Thank you for your kind words — I try to let me come out in my stories expressing who I am. It means a lot when it does and is received that way.
I know you’re busy with your new mystery book and truly appreciate you wanting to join me in the writing blog hop. I’m looking forward to your answers to the writing questions and seeing who you tag to join you. Keep me posted. Take care 🙂
Good morning Pat! My Writing Process Blog Hop is up and running! Here is is: http://sherrimatthewsblog.com/2014/04/04/writing-process-blog-hop/
Thanks again so much for inviting me to take part in this, it is my privilege to be able to ‘share’ you with my readers! I’ll be travelling today so will catch up later on. Have a beautiful day my dear friend 🙂
Thank you so much, Sherri. You did a wonderful job and I’m truly honored you joined me in taking part in this writing blog hop. I’m inspired and impressed with your writing commitment and accomplishments. You’re well on your way as a published author and soon to be among those with your books on the shelves.
I’m looking forward to checking out your fellow bloggers and reading their stories. From their profiles, it looks like they have much to share. It keeps getting better and better. 🙂
I’m truly honoured and blessed to be a part of this Pat, and your encouragement means the world to me. I’m so blessed and excited for us to be sharing our writing journeys, walking through the twists and turns together and helping and supporting each other every step of the way! Isn’t blogging wonderful?
Getting better and better indeed…hope you are having a wonderful weekend my dear friend 🙂
I agree, Sherri, and share this privilege and blessing with you. Love and encouragement go a long way in helping us along our paths. I’m happy to send some light your way, my friend. You never know what’s around the bend which makes it all worth while. Indeed, it does keep getting better and better.
Take care and hope you’re enjoying your weekend. 🙂
Bless you Pat, and you do indeed send your lovely light my way and I can’t tell you what this means to me.
We had a lovely weekend thank you, catching up though after being away house-sitting for my son, and I hope you did too 🙂
Here’s to a week filled with blessings ahead for us both 🙂
Got it, Sherri, your warm blessing and lovely light. Mmm, it’s a nice feeling to have friends across the ocean. I’m glad you had a nice weekend and enjoyed catching up. We’re still coming out of the remnants of winter with intermittent snow storms and cloudy skies. Spring keeps trying and you can feel it in the air.
The Writing Process Blog Hop is moving right along thanks to you and Andrea. Diana will be sharing hers later on. It’s fun to see how it reaches out and connects with others all around the world. There are some wonderful people you’ve introduced us to. 🙂
Spring is just around the corner for you…it is here but now we have rain and wind again, go figure! The great British weather, we love nothing but to complain about it!!
The blog hop is growing as it should and it is very exciting indeed! Thank you again Pat for all of this…it’s great 🙂
I know, Sherri. Can’t wait — nothing to complain about here with warm days close at hand. Glad to see the blog hop growing and being a part of it. Just met “Heaven Happens” from your recommendation. We exchanged “fishin” bits. Lovin’ it! 🙂
Wonderful! It’s great to meet other bloggers this way isn’t it? Bless you my dear friend 🙂
🙂 It sure is.
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