Serenity Photo by JKDs courtesy of PhotoDropper
We’ve had a number of events happen lately, outside of the everyday news on the threats of war, civil unrest in many countries and unusual weather.
I don’t know, but I feel as if my heart, with all these memories and energy shifts, has been ramped up to a different level of pain, love and hope. It started last month with the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death, then this past week on the passing of Nelson Mandela, yesterday, December 7th, the 72nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and today the anniversary of the death of John Lennon.
Dr. Maya Angelou writes touching words in her tribute poem for Nelson Mandela, “His Day is Done” ―
“No sun outlasts its sunset, but will rise again and bring the dawn. . . ”
Many gentle giants have gone on before us and their messages left at our feet with the hope for us to pick up the baton, continue on and carry their messages onward. Like them, do we have the courage to speak out with a spirit of reconciliation, forgive, come together and live in peace?
Can you imagine what it would look like and how it would feel, if the whole world could achieve what was accomplished in South Africa?
I think, like Nelson Mandela, John Lennon saw the rainbow and could imagine ― “You may say I’m a dreamer”.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
I was not a fan of John Lennon, and don’t remember JFK but Nelson Mandela was a bloody awesome fella
He sure was, Joanne, and will truly be missed. One out of three is good and, if you were to pick one, he’d be a pretty good choice. 🙂
I’m with you on this. I am a dream like you. I am eternal optimist that some how some way we will figure it out and we will be at peace.
You’re right, Susan, in being an eternal optimist. Either way you look at it, we have a choice and I’d rather be in the boat with those looking for a positive, happy outcome. 🙂