Magic Woods – © Photophilde — Courtesy of PhotoDropper
Where do we find magic in the daily routines of our fast-paced lives? It’s different for everyone in what triggers a place in your heart capturing a special moment worth remembering.
Is it on the Internet, Harry Potter, music or do we look for it in books, poetry, texting or videos? What warms your soul and invokes meaning and purpose giving encouragement and inspiration?
Sometimes, I would wonder if magic still existed as it did in the sweet, mystical ways I remembered as a child. As I got older, most of the magic was logically explained away like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. It just wasn’t cool to believe in such things and after a while I stopped looking.
Then, as time passed, I noticed magic was still alive, in different ways, just as mysterious and wondrously exciting. It’s when you feel butterflies in your stomach on your first kiss or you see a star shooting across the sky. It stirs in castles, rides along wooded forests and drifts down Louisiana bayous ― everywhere, if we take time to notice.
Magic was in the evening we had last night sitting on the deck with dark clouds moving out after a storm. The heavy air was cool and humid with a slight breeze. The birds were darting about trying to catch up on their last feeding before turning in and the sounds of Sinatra were playing on the Sirius station.
The moment was electric and we didn’t talk for fear of breaking the spell. Magic is synchronistic, such as times like these, when it seems everything comes together so perfectly, as if the Universe is smiling while orchestrating the moments.
There is another magical place to be revered and treasured found in the human spirit. When we’re struggling, all it takes is someone believing in us with a kind word or gesture giving us that spark of hope we need to find a way and not give up.
Here is a story where compassion worked magic when a lone, yoga instructor didn’t give up on a disabled veteran injured as a paratrooper in the Gulf War. It’s a “Most Inspirational Video” posted by Addicted to the GYM on Facebook.
Magic is still alive and in all the right places. If you haven’t noticed it lately, maybe you’ll see it when your baby takes hold of your finger for the first time or in the rekindling of an old friendship. I believe there’s magic, just like I did as a kid, with awe and love. If you look around ― you’ll see it in the twinkle of an eye or feel it in the beat of your heart.
Where is your magic and what makes it real for you? What fills you with wonder and mystery ― hope and the feeling of connection? I’d love to hear your stories.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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I liked the video clip so touching and what a strong and inspiring man…………
Thank you Joanne and I’m happy you enjoyed the video. I remembered seeing it before and how inspiring it was. When I saw it reposted again by “Addicted to the GYM”, I felt led to include it. We never know what or where that spark will come from — that’s the mystery. 🙂
(PS: I’m glad to see your comment. I hadn’t received any comments for quite awhile and thought something was wrong on my site. I may have deleted them by mistake as SPAM.)
I’m a bit like Maggie Muggins in my approach to life and the world…”I don’t know what will happen tomorrow”…it’s all magical!
Hi Bev – I like hearing your approach to life is with childlike whimsy. It’s magical that way and best way to be! 🙂
(PS: I’m glad to see your comment. I hadn’t received any comments for quite awhile and thought something was wrong on my site. I may have deleted them by mistake as SPAM.)
I fully believe in magic and that it can be found throughout out lives. Sometimes that magic is a surprise call from a friend. I believe you just need to be open to seeing the magic. 🙂
So true, Susan, in being open to see magic. It really is happening all the time. Sometimes it’s real subtle, easily missed, and other times a full blown “deja vu”! 🙂
(PS: I’m glad to see your comment. I hadn’t received any comments for quite awhile and thought something was wrong on my site. I may have deleted them by mistake as SPAM.)
Magic is everywhere indeed, Pat! Music and other sounds, a special talk with a special someone, a new hobby you try, really you just have to want to see it.
Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you Delia for stopping by and I’m happy you enjoyed the read. Hope you’ll come back again and sit at my internet kitchen table.
I appreciate your Blog Commenting Weekend opportunity on FB at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=603632326324459&set=a.471163222904704.106458.464008963620130&type=1&theater. It gives us a chance to share and support our blogging community. 🙂
So nice to sit at your kitchen table and talk about magic Pat 🙂 I agree with you: magic is all around us, if we stop to consider the way situations “synchronize” in our daily lives. It is those ordinary moments like watching the storm clouds pass by, that spark a sense of what is important in life. We are then inspired to move on with optimism knowing that there will also be magic in the future. The video is a confirmation of what you have shared with us, very touching. 🙂
Thank you, Delmy, for stopping by for a visit. I’m honored you came to sit with me at my kitchen table to share magic. I like your perspective on optimism and how it inspires us to move on. That’s when the magic happens.
I hope you’ll come back again and enjoy more talks at my kitchen table. 🙂
Beautiful post Pat.
yes I love magic and use the word frequently. when we see the magic that surrounds us we feel joyful- today at Day 1 of Deepak and Oprah’s 21 day meditation Challenge the was the centering thought Today I am open to the presence of miracles.
Thanks Suzie – I’m happy to see you over here and I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I know you had some challenges — I’d like to hear some more about your magic. Is that what your book is about? 🙂