I’ve been meaning to occasionally repost a popular post from my old blogger site in my archives and when I saw Joanne’s post today called “Guardian Angels”, I decided to go for it. I hope you enjoy it.
It’s a story I wrote back in December 2007 remembering when we had an encounter with my daughter’s guardian angel. I’ve changed the angel photo and made a few edits.
Here it is:
Thursday, December 13, 2007
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (The Holy Bible KJV- Hebrews 13:2)
Angel Photo – © Jim Ruppel 2012
There is a beautiful little publication called Angels on Earth. It’s a collection of stories from people all over the world that have had life-changing experiences entertaining strangers – angels.
Have you had a situation in your life when you were in great need and someone showed up at the right time and place to help? I have and I thought I would share this story with you, especially during the holiday season.
It was over 30 years ago and a friend of mine and I went to the grocery store. At the time, our children were small. I had my baby, Stephanie, and my 2-year old, Allison, with us and after walking in the store we pulled out a grocery cart.
I put Allison in the empty cart facing forward, with her legs through the top, and holding Stephanie we headed out to start shopping. My friend and I stopped at the end of one of the aisles to look at a spiral book rack – still without groceries.
As we looked at the books, Allison got restless in the cart and started to climb out. I didn’t notice but in that split second someone else did. Because the cart was empty, it started to lift up and turn over end, as she tried to climb out.
A young man ran in between me and the cart and caught her just 2 inches from the concrete floor. He was also with a child in his grocery cart. I never saw him before she was caught.
It all happened so fast with her only inches from me. He set her down on her feet and released her to me never saying a word. Our eyes met and I felt a deep, warm and penetrating look, as if our souls knew each other.
As I recovered and checked on Allison to be sure she was okay, I looked up, still shaken, to thank him but he was gone. We hurried through the store to catch him to express our heartfelt gratitude but he was nowhere to be found.
That day, I met Allison’s angel and she jokes that she keeps him busy but we know he’ll always be there looking out for her with love and compassion.
Angels are there in all forms whether it’s a young man with a little boy, an animal or bird. God, Higher Power, or whatever name you give, is always there in many forms and it’s comforting.
Be on the lookout. You never know when you will have entertained a stranger – your angel.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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Oh My!! I love that story… thank you for sharing.
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Oliana. It was pretty amazing and can still clearly remember it. 🙂
Loved this story. It really is incredible.
Thank you, Wendy. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve heard angel stories like this all my life — pretty awesome when it happened to us.
That book Angels on Earth sounds like one I would like and that story of Allison’s angel was bloody great
It’s a handy little publication you can subscribe to by mail. I’ve been getting it for years but you can enjoy it online too. A lot of the stories are similar angel interactions like mine. They’re pretty incredible.
I’m glad you enjoyed the read and wanted you to know, Joanne, that your angels are out there and love you and keeping a close watch on you. 🙂
I loved this post Pat. Interestingly, I have been wanting to do a similar one on this very subject. I have a bookmark with the same scripture which I’ve had for many years and often ponder it when I think of some of the ‘Angel encounters’ I and my family have experienced over the years. I have a little book called Breakfast with the Angels which was given to me by an Uncle many long years ago but I’ve not heard of Angels on Earth. It sounds like a wonderfully inspiring book.
Thank you for sharing this lovely post. I needed to be reminded of this today…
Thank you, Sherri, I’m happy you enjoyed this story and it’s interesting you’ve had ideas along the same subject. I’d be interested in reading about your angel encounters.
The little publication, “Angels on Earth” is not really a book but a small handheld magazine collection of angel stories people write and submit. I think over the years, they’ve put some of them into a book. But, I was mostly talking about the publication you can subscribe to and receive it in the mail every quarter or read them online. I can send you one if you like. Just email me with your address.
Oh thank you Pat, I will certainly do that! Angel stories have always fascinated me. I will let you know when I get to do my Angel post 🙂
You’re truly welcome, Sherri. I’m looking forward to reading your Angel story. 🙂
As you know I love stories and I can say I love this one. If we are aware and pay attention, angles are always there for us. We only seem to recognize their presence when in crisis or serious need arises, don’t you think?
Thanks Susan. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I think most of us have had some encounter in one way or another and maybe discounted it as a coincidence. Believe me, when you have that encounter and they look you in the eye straight down to your soul, you know instantly it’s more than a coincidence. 🙂
Great story, Pat. I never had an Angel in need, but I have encountered an Angel in disguise on my wedding day. I truly believe it was my mother, coming to see me marry in a church.
BTW, I had someone post one of my quotes on a picture and they put it on their blog. What an honor it was to find that on the web.
Thank you, Bea. You wrote a post on that angel encounter didn’t you? I think I remember reading it. I looked for it on your site but couldn’t find it.
What picture quote did you have someone post on? I’d like to see it. I know — it’s an honor when someone picks up on something we do and shares. It gives value to it like it matters.
Hi Pat, I’m not sure if I wrote a blog post about it or not. I may have mentioned it on your blog or on my Facebook Page. Below are a few links to places that posted my quote. I just am in awe that someone thought enough to post and share it.
Have a great day!
Maybe you did, Denise (Bea), mention the angel story of your mom at your wedding in a post. I faintly remember reading about it.
I love that quote. It’s so unique and simply expressed. Can I use it and put it in a photograph (not sure how to do that yet) and post on FB and other social media?
What an amazing story! There definitely seem to be many “coincidences” in life that defy explanation, don’t there?
There certainly are, Bethany. I’d like to think that’s why we keep trying, hoping and loving. Nothing is impossible when it comes to angels. 🙂
remarkable experience
Hi Paul. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the angel story. There is magic in the world. 🙂