Taking Time for Myself

This has been an exciting week and also an exhausting one. I’m just going to have some time for me this weekend. It’s important when we’ve been busy to take time out to recharge. I have 2 books I need to finish reading: The Greatest Secret of All by Marc Allen and Going to Ground by Amy Blackmarr; and 2 more in line to read: Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson’s newest book, The Age of Miracles. The weather is planning to cooperate with cold temperatures and some snow. So, I’m going to snuggle inside, light the fireplace, stay warm and read. I haven’t done this for awhile and I’m looking forward to it.

We need to be inspired so we can continue our work and we can do that by spending time alone, reading or meditating. It recharges our energy and primes us to love and to serve. Getting back to our Source lights a fire in our hearts and all the challenges and problems don’t seem to matter so much.

These past 2 months I’ve faced some mighty challenges and if you allow it you can drown in the doom and gloom thoughts. At times, they seem to overwhelm you. The thoughts come flooding in the moment you change course in making any improvements in your health and well being. There were times as if I could literally feel my heart breaking. Just as Marc Allen talked about in his book, The Greatest Secret of All, he had to finally say out loud to his doubts and fears, “Why not look at it as an experiment? Why not go for my dreams, purely as an experiment?” He goes on to say, “My doubts and fears couldn’t argue with that, though they were certain my experiment was a ridiculous waste of time.” I know by affirming in my head and focusing on what I want begins to turn things around. If the thoughts are too overwhelming consider saying to yourself what I wrote a few sentences ago from Marc Allen and treat it as an experiment. Find what works best for you and the more you practice, the more your thoughts will subside.

For myself, I reflected on and used some techniques in Rules for Decision from A Course in Miracles (pg 625-628). It explains what we can do to manifest the kind of day we want. We just have to practice getting our minds aligned by processing these thoughts:

“Today, I will make no decisions by myself.”
“If I make no decisions by myself, this is the day that will be given me.”
“I have no question. I forgot what to decide.” (you’re a partner with God and not wanting to take over)
“At least I can decide I do not like what I feel now.” (if you’re bombarded with negative thoughts)
“And so I hope I have been wrong.”
“I want another way to look at this.”
“Perhaps there is another way to look at this. What can I lose by asking?”

Back to my books and my easy and slow weekend. I’ll be taking time for me and recharging for the week ahead. I hope you do too. Get that favorite book out and get cozy and settle in and enjoy. Maybe it’s just getting out in the fresh air and tossing the football around or going for a hike in nature. Whatever you do, decide now to recharge yourself and take time to do that.

From the kitchen table – Pat
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