Goodbye 2022

Earth space universe globe Photo by Pixabay on (
Earth space universe globe Photo by Pixabay on (

So, here we are, on our trip around the sun, near the end of another year on this glorious blue ball we call earth. This time each year we reflect on the past 12 months, while also looking to the new year with hope and expectations. Just like every day, we get to start over again, fresh, each year trying to get it right. 

I’m imagining, like you, we’ve all had our share of ups and downs in 2022. Some more than others. But, as I move along in these golden years, I’m reminded to look at them differently and take on a different perspective. I’ve learned to ebb and flow more freely these days through whatever unfolds. I can’t say it’s easy, but I feel grace in it. Grace that seems to match however great the need. I’ve read a few times that with God there is no order of difficulty.

“Bring your mind inside your heart and the world will not trouble you.” ~~ Mooji 

Throughout the year, I’ve seen neighbors challenged with cancer, friends dealing with death, family at crossroads with life choices. I’ve been there and I’m trying to be there for them while the world appears to be unstable in these times. But it’s not that it hasn’t happened before. When the next time comes around and similar events pop up, I think what I’ve learned is we get another chance to do it differently that hopefully will put us on the right path for how this life works.

Something else I’ve learned is not to automatically react to life situations but to pause to notice what I’m feeling in the moment. If I pause long enough, instead of reacting, maybe another choice will present itself. Amazing, how that happens to work out more often. And I’ve also discovered that if health issues show up, I can look to the inside for answers as well as work with my resources on the outside. 

From Rainier Maria Rilke in “Letters to a Young Poet”:
"I want to beg you be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves. The point is to live everything. Live the questions and now perhaps you will find them. Perhaps you will then gradually without noticing it live along some distant day into the answer.”  

Life is beautiful in all its many shapes and forms. You can’t get it wrong. Even the lowest parts are gifts that put us in touch with what’s important and force us to look for something beyond our reality. Laugh, cry, get mad – but feel and embrace all of it, instead of react, and you’ll find it will take you to another place. Be kind to yourself in that place and you’ll remember who you are. Then, you will begin to know your path.

We’re just passengers on this living blue vessel, as it keeps floating on course no matter what is happening — steadily ticking along. We will be at the end of our journey before we know it and events and challenges can help us make changes that really count. It’s a beautiful life and it’s a beautiful journey.  

Happy New Year, my friends, and God bless you on your next journey around the sun.

Pat from the ‘ol kitchen table 

6 thoughts on “Goodbye 2022

    • Thank you, Andrea, and wishing the same for you and yours. I’m happy to see you over here – means a lot. Be well and safe this new year. God bless. 💖

    • Hi Joanne – yeah, I get it. Seems like there are some days and years like that but we can always hope and look for something better. Stay well, my friend, and be safe. God bless you and yours in the New Year. 💖

  1. Happy belated new year, Pat! I started 2023 by dealing with health issues AND a move to a beautiful condo by the sea. I have learned that I need to look inward to heal a lot of my health issues. Hoping all is still going well in your world! ❤️

    • Aw, so nice to hear from you Bethany and a Happy New Year to you, too, though now halfway through. Sorry to hear about your health issues but the move to the condo by the sea sounds exactly like what you needed.

      Yeah, looking inward to heal is a lot of what I’ve been able to do over the years and has made all the difference in the world. My life in this golden era has been blissful. Hubby and I still have everyday things to deal with and work out but it’s all relative and don’t sweat the small stuff much anymore. Even been able to look at the big stuff differently.

      I wish you love, my friend, and all the peace life has to offer with that pure, warm-water healing flowing over you. Take care and thank you for connecting again. I love hearing from you. Hugs. 💖

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