Egg Timer by MSN Clipart
I’ve been out of touch lately and haven’t written anything. While I have a legitimate reason, with giving my full attention to hubby coming off of surgery, there is more to why I haven’t posted. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for something to happen or a clue on what to do next.
A part of me knows this doesn’t work and yet another part of me is in a holding pattern knowing it’s okay with the spiritual growth I’ve been experiencing. I feel like I’m torn in two different directions ― be still and listen for guidance or beat the wind and make something happen. In the past, I’ve given my heart to different projects going out of my comfort zone. No matter how hard I tried, they never took root and died. I don’t want to do that anymore ― put my energy into something that isn’t going anywhere. I want to intuitively know I am where I’m supposed to be and doing what I’m supposed to do.
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been given a couple of nudges to start writing again. Before then, I was trying to create an idea for a topic for a story only to come up blank. I mean really blank ― nada ― nothing. The first nudge came by way of noted information on participating in a Writing Process Blog Hop from my internet friend, Susan Cooper at “Finding Our Way Now”. I almost begged off in pursuing it knowing how uninspired I’ve been lately with writing. But, I didn’t.
The second came from an old networking friend, Tom LaRotonda in a post he wrote, “Lives in the Balance” from which I began this story. I guess you could say I finally got the message to do something from his post and the song he included below. It was the added inspiration I needed to write about what I’ve been feeling lately ― unplugged.
Throughout the years, there have been many from which I’ve learned that gave me new perspectives that have changed my life. It has made me the person I am today. I’m getting better at listening, watching and feeling for when the time is right to move.
How does the commercial go, “If you want to be in action, you have to stay in action”― something like that. Only, you don’t want to be wandering around endlessly getting nowhere and without any direction. I’ve done that.
Bottom line, it’s all perfect no matter how you get there. For me, I’ve learned by taking leaps, withdrawing and staying still or from gentle nudges like those I’ve recently received. I’ve realized the things I’ve done I may have thought were failures, really weren’t. They were processes I had to exercise and explore to get to the next phase. It doesn’t come all at once, though I’d like it to, sometimes we’re only shown what to do, a little at a time, in preparation for our heart’s calling. I’d like to think that’s it, especially when I reflect on this quote from Patañjali.
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. ― Patañjali
Maybe, some of you have felt the same things I have and this will help you get jump started. I hope so. What roadblocks have you faced lately and how have you worked through it?
By the way ― Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Cloverleaf by MSN Clipart
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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Aw, my friend. There are times I feel the very same way. Then something nudges me. At first I think, nah, it’s just my imagination. Then another comes and then another and it’s clear I need to pay attention. I am so glad that I, in some very small way, was able to be one of these nudges for you. 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels that way, Susan. Funny, how we get those inclinations and don’t take the hint at first. I’m glad you followed your lead and let me know about the Writing Process Blogging Hop. Although, I was hesitant at first, it’s just what I need to get my butt in gear.
Thank you, my friend. 🙂
Wow, so many ways to go with this, Pat. 😉
First, there is no such thing as failure. The whole notion is just a misperception, as far as I can tell.
I’ve been where you are, right after a period of tremendous growth and challenge, wondering where to go next. The best advice, which I got from one of my readers (and a dear friend) was, “go wherever the muse takes you.” There is no need to fight against or force anything. Waiting and listening for inspiration is not the same as giving up. The blogs that I still follow are the blogs that are very REAL. Not the people who make another top 10 list, just to have something to write. If it’s forced, it’s obvious.
In my case, it became obvious that my journey is pulling me away from the Internet and more toward the concrete world in front of my eyes. (I live in the city, so there’s a LOT of concrete…) I’ve decided to always leave my blog open though. There have been times I’ve thought that I’d written my last post, only to find inspiration a month later.
Just go with the flow, and see where it takes you. I’ve never had much success beating into the wind (literally or figuratively).
Thanks, Bethany. You’re right. There are so many ways to go with this. I wanted to go the way of sharing where I’m at right now and what’s on my heart. I guess I’ve never really followed the normal road and the one that seems to get people someplace fast. I don’t know why — Lord knows I’d like to feel I’ve arrived occasionally. But, at least I’m happy knowing I’m where I’m supposed to be right now and that gives me peace when I lay my head down at night.
I’m glad you continue to follow me over here even when I take you down these crazy paths. You’re the best and I appreciate you. 🙂
I suspect that arriving is over-rated anyway. 😉
So true, Bethany, on arriving being over-rated. What, then, do you do once you arrive? Better to enjoy the journey. 🙂
I have been going through the same thing since the end of last year. First I lost my sister, then a week later one of my brother’s-in-law, now one of my cousins is very ill. I have been pushing trying to work. Nothing happened. I was able to post a few blogs and that seemed to help. Weather they were received well or not I don’t know. It did help me to continue. I found that trying to concentrate on all the good or funny things in my life helped me move a little. I always liked writing humor and it has come to my rescue again. So keep on keeping on, it will come to you.
It’s interesting, Patricia, seems like there are a lot of people feeling the same thing. I thought I was the only one and was just slacking off but have since learned to honor this space.
I’m sorry to hear about you’re going through some trauma in family losses. I empathize as we had a string of losses and events a year ago. It makes it hard to breathe wondering when the next shoe was going to drop. It also sounds like you’ve found a way to work through it in writing and posting. The humor and finding the funny side of things are the best in keeping our hearts safe with love.
Thank you for taking the time to read and share in the midst of your daily life to encourage me. It means the world to me and touches my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. 🙂
Thank you Pat, and the same here. Lets hope 2014 gets better for all soon. In the meantime if you need to laugh visit my blog and read THE BIG WHITE BALLOON at http://www.salpa58.wordpress.com hope it makes you smile :o)
You’re welcome, Pat — 2014 will be better in so many ways. If it doesn’t show up the way we hoped, we can always find ways to look for the sunshine and laugh, like I did in reading your story. Children always have a way of simplifying things. When we remember when we were kids, such as you did, life is light and happy and not taken too seriously. Thank you for sharing your story. It was a joy to read. 🙂
Pat, I have been going through a very similar ordeal. In fact, I kind of feel like Bethany, like i’m being pulled back to the concrete world of face to face people. Plus, I have noticed when I write now, I feel stressed to keep it as good as the last one. What I want to focus on is how to make another person’s day better by transporting them temporarily into a world of exotic beauty, to refresh and inspire them.
I believe that you are where you’re supposed to be, Pat. I so identify with everything you said. Lets see what opens up here soon…..after all, life is full of change which makes the journey challenging but fulfilling. I’m thinking about you….thank you for a well written and thought provoking post.
I can relate, Susan, though my circumstances are opposite. Rather than being pulled back to the concrete world with people everywhere, I feel cut off and isolated at times. Guess that’s mostly due to my location in the mountains and being retired. Funny how circumstances can be so different yet feelings the same in our purpose and passion.
Maybe, what we’re both feeling is a deeper connection to who we are and what we’re being called to do. I’d like to think so. At least, I know what you bring to the world is inspiring to me. I can feel your love for what you do translate in the photos and stories you post and, for me, you’re accomplishing your intention to make another person’s day better. I truly feel transported from them.
Thank you for sharing words of encouragement. I think we’re in good places and where we’re supposed to be being fine tuned for what I don’t know. It’s all good and I appreciate it in all it’s forms. I’m excited for what will open up, too, and look forward to seeing you there. 🙂
Hi Pat…you always make such good sense:) I fear isolation…in fact my husband Carl and I are moving out to the old family homestead which is a ways from town. I told him that is okay but I must have a good running car and gas! I have changed from when I was younger, where I loved the country living. I have this tremendous need to connect now. I’m conflicted…
Let’s keep in touch on our journeys to find our true calling and place here on planet earth. And thank you for your kind words of encouragement. It means a lot to me. Bless you Pat…keep on writing your wonderful soul searching posts…!
The move sounds nice, Susan, though I can understand your conflict. In one way we’re getting the serenity we’re looking for but losing the familiar connections. I remember when we first moved up to the mountains from town some 30+ years ago. It took me 6 months to get used to the quiet away from the sound of traffic, sirens and neighborhood noises. The sound of quiet was ‘loud’ if you could imagine that. Now, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I’m looking forward to sharing our journeys with each other and excited to see what unfolds for you. What an adventure you have in store for you, my friend. Bless you, too, and thank you for being my friend. 🙂
Here is take two, the first take didn’t take, so I am trying again, I said we have all felt like that at times and sometimes we can shake it off and sometimes we shake and shake and end up with a headache or worse still sometimes we shake and end up falling over face first in the dirt and then we get a gravel rash on our face and that is never good.
Thanks, Joanne. I know what you mean. Sometimes all the shaking it off in the world doesn’t do any good. Just got to go with the flow.
Oh Pat how I empathise with you and your courage to say so. That peace as you lay your head on your pillow at night is so precious. As far as the blog, we should not feel pressurised to write one or two posts a week. If it’s not from the heart then it’s not worth writing, it’s just a chore. One post I wrote a while ago was ‘Someone’s Pressed the Pause Button on my Life.’ We shouldn’t fight it but learn to stop and listen, which is where I am at too. Sometimes we have to truly listen before we have anything worthwhile to say.
It’s also hard to continue as normal when so much is happening in the world and we need time to reflect and digest what is happening around us.All the best in your search. I always look forward to your posts. Dianax
Thanks, Diana. I’m glad you understand. I’m getting better at listening and learning to be okay with the space I’m in and not force things. I don’t know if it’s our culture and imprinting, or not, that we must be doing something all the time — moving and shaking. You’re right, we need time to reflect and digest what’s going on in the world and our lives. Either way, it can be unsettling until you get a handle on what’s happening in your world. I think that’s where I am and happy.
I tried to find the post you mentioned but didn’t see a ‘search’ button on your site. I’d like to read it, if you send me the link. I love that you stopped by and shared. It’s nice when others can relate. 🙂
Glad to see you’re back Pat. At the beginning of the year, I felt very disconnected and not really inspired – it seems to have been a pretty flat beginning to the year for many people. For the past week or so, I’ve been yet more uninspired, but I am beginning to feel that spring energy coming in and making me feel more inspired.
Hi Andrea. Thank you — it’s been awhile and it’s feeling good to be back. I can relate when you say the beginning of the year was pretty flat. It started out good for me and somewhere along the way it fizzled out or I ran out of energy. I don’t know which but, like you, I’m taking in the energy of Spring and breathing in the fresh air. Ahhhh — it’s nice. 🙂
Oh Pat, I’ve missed you so much and thought that something must be going on. It was so lovely to see you over at my blog again. While you have been gone I’ve gone through my own struggles. I shared a post a couple of weeks ago about my feelings of utter exhaustion at having to deal with the authorities in getting the help we need for my Aspie daughter. I was feeling wrung out. I’ve also been really struggling with my writing. I’ve had so many distractions and in fact last weekend hubby and I tried to have a weekend getaway for his birthday and our anniversary (8 years today!) but my daughter became seriously ill and we had to cut our weekend short. I’ve been very low for some time now. At one point I was wondering about my blog too, as in ‘What am I doing here?’ So, I do understand just how you are feeling right now. That feeling. I think we can be inspired and full of verve and start on our way and then we find it really hard to maintain it. I’ve felt this way for a while now I realise.
I hope your hubby is recovering and that you are too. It sounds as if you are beginning to find your way again but sometimes we do just need to stop, take time out and wait.
Your posts are so beautiful, soulful and evocative. Though-provoking too! You write from your heart and that is what I love, as do all your readers and friends here. I’m looking forward to hearing what your next step is, even if it means you needing more time.
Sending all blessings and huge hugs to you my dear friend …. 🙂 x
So good to hear from you, Sherri. Wow! There’s a lot going on and to catch up on from what you’ve described. I didn’t know you’ve been going through some challenges, too. You’re stories always seem so upbeat even when you’re afraid or lost. I love that about you always able to put a positive spin on things. But, I can relate to your writing struggles, lately. I’ve just come up empty waiting for something. I knew I was where I needed to be (quiet) but it was beginning to bug me. I’m thankful I was open to hear the nudges I received the last couple of days to get back into it.
I hope your daughter is better. Tending to children and hubbies in life crises can put things back into perspective real fast and on our knees. It does make you reflect on who you are, why I’m doing what I’m doing and the importance of it all. And, thank you for asking, hubby is home and doing well.
I think I have been finding my way back. For me, I’ve been soul searching a lot, lately, and tuning into spirituality to make some changes and unload baggage I’ve carried around most of my life. It’s amazing the difference it makes and what becomes your priorities and the buttons it pushes. I’m enjoying the journey but needed to come back to Earth, plug in and revisit what everyone’s been up to. I suspect we’ll soon all turn the corner and see the beauty that’s been there all along in our lives that all the challenges brought. Yes, I can picture that. Take care, my friend, I’m glad to have you here to share it with. 🙂
Ahh, so glad that your hubby is home and well, that is good news indeed. We are getting better thank you Pat. My daughter goes through these phases but we come out the other side and things settle down. It’s difficult isn’t it when you feel you want to write but then nothing comes. And then sometimes you just need to take the time out as you have done and focus on other aspects of your own personal growth. I’m so glad that you have been able to do that Pat and I’m also so glad to have you back. I’ve missed our chats around your little ol’ kitchen table but I’m so glad that you are continuing on with your journey in that unique and beautiful way that makes you you. Have a blessed and peaceful day my friend 🙂
Thank you, Sherri, and I’m happy to hear your daughter is doing better, as well. Life sure is amazing with all it’s twists and turns — makes for never a dull moment.
It is difficult when you know you want to put something out there and write but there’s nothing. Sometimes, I just get tired of technology and the computer without even the desire to boot up. It’s like I space out and read or something and withdraw. It’s easy to do up here and nice to get out and just take in nature’s energy. For me, it’s a conundrum, as it’s always been important to me to connect with people. I’m getting better at picking the best times.
I’ve missed our chats, too, around the ol’ kitchen table but it’s nice to know we can always gather there anytime and catch up on our lives and what’s going on in the world. Thank you for your warm words on continuing my journey. I’ve been doing it most of my life and it is what makes us unique in a beautiful way. It’s what makes you and I appreciate that. Take care and talk with you soon, Sherri. Happy Wednesday. 🙂
I do the same Pat. I tend to withdraw when I feel that I can’t face getting on my laptop or even meeting with anyone. I could get into this bubble with just my daughter who is at home with me and we could get lost in that. Maybe we need to withdraw sometimes, I don’t know. But then we do need to be connected, it is vital in fact. I have struggled with feeling isolated many times in my life. I think when you move to a different way of life, ie out of the city into the country or vice versa, it takes an awful lot of adjustment. As you say, it is about getting the balance right and sometimes it just takes a bit of time to do that.
Well, you are here now and I’m so glad for that and it’s so lovely for me!
You have a Happy Wednesday too my friend 🙂
It does take balance, Sherri. I’m learning that and no matter what place you’re in, at the time, it’s all okay. Boy, Spring couldn’t have come at a better time to make the shift and get out in the sunshine and feel that fresh air. BTW I loved your photo challenge with the flowers. I’m itching to get started but know it’s still a bit early for us.
Happy Thursday and 1st day of Spring — yeahhhh! 🙂
Yeahhhhh!!! Wishing you the happiest of Thursdays and first day of Spring too Pat! Although, and I hate to say it, it is cold and raining here today!! That’s the great British weather for you, ha! 😉 But that won’t stop us celebrating and breathing in all the good 🙂
I’m with you, Sherri, in celebrating spring. Yeahhhh!!! I don’t know why but this year I could never be more ready. 🙂
Hi Pat,
There are many of us who are thrilled that you are writing again! You are an excellent writer, filled with insight and wisdom. Always allow your passion to carry you through the good times…and the not so good times. Thank you for sharing my post with your community. I am deeply honored.
Blessings ~ Tom LaRotonda
Thank you, Tom, for your kind words. Me too — happy to be plugged in again and writing. I had to honor that quiet space, though it was a battle with the head telling me to do something and my heart saying be still for now. Thankfully, I listened to my heart this time and the little nudges like your post.
I’m so happy to see you over here my friend and, likewise, it’s an honor to share you with my readers. 🙂
Hello Pat,
Thanks for linking my post.
And, I enjoyed reading your simple & natural write up 🙂
May GOD bless you..
You’re welcome, Akanksha, and thank you for paying a visit and reading. I’m always happy to share you with my readers. 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words. Readers like you are always a morale booster for me & keep me charged up to write more & more.
Have a good day Pat..Keep posting!!
You’re welcome, Akanksha — I’m happy I can do that for you and boost your morale. I think we do it for each other. Take care and hope you have a happy day! We’re getting snow! Brrrr – doesn’t feel much like spring. 🙂