Yesterday, I was reminded of an analogy Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke of awhile back, when he asked (to paraphrase), “What comes out when you squeeze an orange?” Well, the obvious answer would be orange juice. But, he took it further in asking to take a personal look at ourselves and what goes on in our lives.
What comes out when we’re being squeezed? I think this is what I got hit with yesterday ― the stuff that’s held onto for so long in people’s hearts. It had to come out.
The story of the orange came to me after a series of phone calls. I was excited to chat, as I normally don’t talk on the phone that much ― at least, not this many calls, one right after the other. The energy built and momentum from one call to the next and I didn’t notice it at first.
The calls ranged in emotions from happy birthday greetings, everyday kid-raising conversations, the expressions of rage in political grievances and finally to sad, fearful, hard-to-let-go crossroad decisions.
I could relate to each of them in what was being said, having been there in some form or another in different stages of my life. As the momentum built from each call, I got caught up in it. It was different this time, however, to view the conversations from another’s perspective.
It made me wonder, “Man! Is there truly that much fear, anger and despair?” “Am I really that much out of touch with the world?” There was a strong, intense energy in the phone calls and voices ― it bowled me over with surprise and a sense of urgency that I needed to pay attention.
After I hung up, still overwhelmed and taken off guard, I felt as if I had been slammed from all directions. I didn’t know who had been squeezed ― them or me ― but something sure had happened. I needed time to breathe and process it all.
As I thought about it, I realized a little slice of the world and people’s pain paid me a visit. It’s a pressure cooker out there with what’s going down these days. You know the feeling. It’s as if people can no longer smile, pretend and play the game anymore. Their true feelings can no longer be contained and they are exploding. Yesterday, I just happened to be there in the line of fire to listen. I hope.
I thought I had sorted it all out on what had happened but there was more I had to understand. I finally recognized that the phone calls were triggers to get my attention. I was doing what I had always done and that was look to the outside for answers instead of going inside. We always have a choice about what we give our attention to and energy.
In my heart of hearts, I believe in a Source, no matter the label or title, that’s greater than what is seen or appears real ― and I believe in love and good will. I’ve had my share of heartbreak, challenges and fears and I don’t think anyone enjoys going through them.
We need each other more than ever for encouragement and strength, even when we’re squeezed and what comes out is not pretty. Maybe, my inner child I abandoned so many times before was just screaming to get my attention to celebrate our birth together by saying, “Happy Birthday”.
So, I decided to celebrate with Bobby McFerrin’s song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”.
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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I think we’ve all had those days. It is a bit of wake up call and it does get our attention. I had one of those this week. In my case it was an amalgamation of things, phone calls, visits, things going wrong. It seemed to hit all at once (it was a full moon this week too). It forced me take a break, step back and regain perspective. We need that sometimes. 🙂
I know Susan. I’m more removed these days from the busy, chaotic offices when I retired. I forget how it can get sometimes. Because things have slowed down here at home and more easy going, I feel the contrast in the forces of those energies and the emotions they carry. It’s funny you don’t notice when you’re in the middle of it.
You’re right about the full moon this week. I forgot about that. Like you, this came so fast and furious I had to take a break too. 🙂
Hi Pat….definitely sounds like you had one of those days. But you’ve done one of the best things possible (IMHO) by reflecting on the possible source/Source of the situation and then coming to a conclusion that works for you. I have always loved that analogy by Wayne Dyer about the orange juice and in many ways agree that the only thing that can come out is indeed what’s inside. Of course we can see that as a tremendous gift because it is helping us see areas that are still vulnerable—OR–I’ve also heard that we are sometimes given certain stress and pressures precisely because we are so very capable of being able to absorb and transform the energy. Your reaction could have easily been either one of those or both–or even something that yet remains to be seen. And I so agree that we need each other for encouragement and strength and I’m hoping you found that in your many connections…AND HEY….did I miss something–like the fact that it’s your birthday?????? May the remainder of your day be free from care and worry and you remember that “this too shall pass.” ~Kathy
You’re right, Kathy, it was definitely one of those days and it’s funny how the squeezing oranges analogy came to me. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a day like that where I didn’t have much time to catch my breath. Shortly after I got up, I had just got a cup of coffee and visited with my husband for a few moments, when the phone rang and then the calls continued one right after the other until around 2pm.
I so enjoyed hearing from everyone and had that good loving energy going on until somewhere along the way it got mixed up like a tornado with the rest of the emotions. It was all good and I was happy to listen and be there but I felt like I had been beaten up. I was feeling a little bit of what they carry around with them every day. I just had to get quiet, back in balance and try to make sense of it all.
Yes, thank you it was my birthday, which the reason for the calls and the day really was beautiful, thanks to a lovely dinner and a cake by hubby. 🙂
BTW, wanted to let you know I got a 10th Anniversary edition of Dr. Rachel Remen’s “Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal” book. I can’t wait to read it. Thank you for letting me know about it. 🙂
Ok first up I know want some freshly sqeezed OJ, next if you squeezed me what would come out wouldn’t be pretty mostly it would be pee and poo…………….and that is gross…………lol thirdly we are talking about emotions well then it would be tears of sadness…………because I am often sad…………..
Hi Joanne – thank you for stopping by and commenting. We mostly don’t think about it (being squeezed) but if we can take a moment and observe it, maybe it can be the beginning of a whole new happiness in these discoveries and resolutions never known to us before. 🙂
People need to talk and when they find a friendly, open ear they unload. Hopefully, when you need to unburden, you will find a willing ear. I find that the best way to listen without giving away your energy is to listen without giving advice or trying to solve problems. Most of the time people just want to be heard. A good listener is hard to come by these days…I can see why your ear is in demand!
Thank you Bev – I hope it helped to give them the space where they could talk and vent. I know it wasn’t directed at me — they’re just doing a little damage control on their own dealing with a world seemingly out of control. This is not to say I go around opening up for everyone to come unload in my space. This particular day, I had some internal ‘squeezing’ stuff I needed to tend to too. 🙂
Nice & different post..
Yes, I know Akanksha – it was a little different writing but I wanted to capture my thoughts, as I felt and processed them. When people read and reflect on their own different situations in their lives, I hope it will help.
The Bible puts is so eloquently: “Out of the hearts abundance the mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45.
So true, April, and the evidence is right there in front of us — what comes out of our mouths is in our hearts. Ughhh, it’s not pretty sometimes! 🙂
What an amazing post. Thank you.
Thank you Tersia for stopping by and for the read. I’m glad you liked it and I always enjoy the feedback. I hope I can pay it forward leaving some food for thought. 🙂
So true Pat.You know it needs to come out and sometimes it needs to be squeezed out and another time it pours out like a gushing overflow after a storm!
Thank you Diana and I relate to what you’re saying about the gush when we’re squeezed. It can be pretty ugly at times but also necessary to gain a different perspective and maybe cleansing. 🙂
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