Thinking Just Happens

This post was hard to write, and yet important, as I wanted to be sure I was writing it clearly. I’m still processing this myself so please be patient with my explanations. This quote, “Strictly speaking, you don’t think: Thinking happens to you.” struck me as I read it in Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)(Paperback). It was something that jumped out at me and got my attention. He says:

“The statement “I think” implies volition. It implies that you have a say in the matter, that there is choice involved on your part. For most people, this is not yet the case.”

But, in fact, Tolle says: ““I think” is just as false a statement as “I digest” or “I circulate my blood.” Digestion happens, circulation happens, thinking happens.”

This was a different idea that I had to consider. The choice comes when you’re conscious of your thoughts and if they have purpose, not just fear or judgment – something that the ego would use for its empowerment.

In my last post, Developing Awareness – What’s Going On Behind the Eyeballs?, I give some ideas on how to develop awareness to awaken to our true lives releasing the grip of the ego and our thoughts play an important role in that. It’s a different perspective to consider that our thoughts are processing automatically because they seem so personal. This is because I had identified with my thoughts as being who I am.

When we identify with thoughts that is when we have made a choice to respond, react or judge instead of just observing them and letting them go. Identifying with our thoughts does not mean defining them it means giving them our identity. We then own whatever our thoughts present to us when we don’t distinguish them. Letting them go detaches you from the outcome and the influence of the ego. I had heard and read many times that “you are not your thoughts” but I really didn’t understand what that meant until now.

I always felt responsible for the thoughts that I had and felt they were a reflection of me. I’m only responsible for them if I identify with them. That is the key. They are just there and they come from our conditioning in the past and influences going on in our environment but I should in no way feel responsible for the thoughts themselves. This sheds a whole new light on my approach to developing my own awareness.

As I learn, I will be paying closer attention to the thoughts that pass through and I’ll forget sometimes, more at first, until I become more proficient at observing rather than identifying. What about you? Have you ever noticed your thoughts and considered them operating just as your heart and blood circulation? Why do we add “I” to thinking? It’s something worth considering in order to be a part in the awakening of humanity and put us back on track to saving us and our planet.

***Oprah Winfrey is having a free 10-week teleclass on Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)(Paperback) that started last Monday, March 3rd. You can still get in on it if you’re interested in reading this book and participating in this class.

From the kitchen table – Pat
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Developing Awareness – What’s Going On Behind the Eyeballs?

Most of us are familiar with physical awareness and some have developed a keen sense of what’s going on around them. But, physical awareness is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about what goes on inside your head and heart, your reactions and feelings. Are you aware of that? Can you recognize a thought and then identify its purpose?

Eckhart Tolle in his book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)(Paperback), talks about a transformation of consciousness that is happening right now where we’ll awaken to life by becoming aware of how thoughts are being used by ego.

There is more to us than body and mind. There’s an every present beingness looking out from behind the eyeballs. Tolle calls it, “the Presence”, our oneness with God. It’s silent now, just observing, as we go about our busy day. When we become conscious of how our thoughts and ego play out their roles, affecting our daily lives, we will then allow our Presence to emerge awakening us to the life we were destined to live.

To understand the ego and its purpose we have to know how it operates within us. It’s not something you fight or battle against. In fact, that only strengthens it. It’s not a devil sitting on your shoulder and the angel sitting on the other shoulder, each talking in your ear. It’s an unconsciousness that we have bought into that is very much a part of the dual world we live in.

It relates to us in form and structure and here’s the key: when we IDENTIFY with a thought of form or structure, it (ego) “edges God out” and our Presence waits. Identifying with a thought that you’re a “loser” because you lost your job (form) means you own it. You own the belief that you’re a loser and then you attract what comes with it. Identifying with the thought that you want (structural) more money and more things, only after having them you’re still not fulfilled, means you’re chasing after an illusion that can never satisfy you. It only reinforces and satisfies the need for ego to be dominant in your life. Tolle explains it further by saying:

“Since you cannot find yourself through having, however, there is another more powerful drive underneath it that pertains to the structure of the ego: the need for more, which we could also call “wanting.” No ego can last for long without the need for more. Therefore, wanting keeps the ego alive much more than having. The ego wants to want more than it wants to have. And so the shallow satisfaction of having is always replaced by more wanting.”

“Unease, restlessness, boredom, anxiety, dissatisfaction, are the result of unfulfilled wanting. Wanting is structural, so no amount of content can provide lasting fulfillment as long as that mental structure remains in place.”

We all have dreams and desires and wants and I think that is different from what we have been talking about here. In what context is the wanting or the need for more – are you ever satisfied or fulfilled? If not, that’s where you can see that the ego has been in command here.

1. The key component is being aware of our thoughts and understanding from where they are coming. Are they coming from a story or a fact? If you lose your job – that’s a fact; being a loser because you lost your job is a story coming by way of thought from ego. Respond to the fact not the story. Take action and do what is necessary to handle the fact.

2. Start paying attention to your thoughts and what you’re identifying with. This is important and it will free you up and allow Presence to operate in your life. If you react and emotions stir up, more than likely you have identified with a thought triggering something from a form or a structure and it originates from ego. Feelings follow thoughts. So, if you have a lot of thoughts about something that is bothering you, the emotions will begin to emerge. Catch yourself and just allow Presence to observe and be okay with it. Tell yourself, “It’s an old conditioning thought from the past.”

3. Realize that we’re all one created by the same Source, no one is diminished in Presence. Understand that we are all evolving and consciously awakening and those others who may have treated you despairingly are on the same path.

I love this quote Tolle mentions from Ram Dass, “If you think you are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents.” Our interactions with one another reveal how much work there is still needed to be done. To become aware is the secret to our spiritual development and well being. To pay attention and observe the thoughts within checking what we identify with and allowing others the freedom to evolve at their own pace will be the catalyst in changing the face of humanity and the awakening of a New World.

From the kitchen table – Pat
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The Preciousness of Life

I’ve been thinking of this half of the day and I’m not quite sure how to write about it. So, I ask for your patience on this and I’m asking for spiritual guidance so as to write this with consideration and compassion honoring those of you out there touched by similar situations.

Life is Precious!

My daughter called and asked if I would baby sit her almost 23-month old tomorrow as she was going to a funeral for a 2-month old twin who had just died that has the same name as her child. It struck me and stayed with me a good part of the day thinking how quickly we come into this life and then pass back out again. Life is a gift and it’s especially realized as precious when a baby leaves.

It also made me wonder what it is about our mortality that shifts us from the daily routines to a tender, deep part of the soul and gives us a glimpse of a world we had forgotten. There are difficult times we all face as we live our lives and what I’m reminded of is that no matter how difficult the times LOVE is our strength and our comforter transcending all time and dimension.

Life is Precious!

Dr. Wayne Dyer talks more about LOVE being our strength in his book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. He says:

“On the fateful day of September 11, 2001, what stuck in my mind were the cell-phone calls made by the people on the ill-fated planes. Every single call was made to a loved one, to connect back in love or to express final words of love. No one called the office or asked their stockbroker for a final appraisal of their financial status, as relationships that weren’t loved based didn’t enter the thoughts of those who knew they were leaving this physical world. Their top priority was to be certain to close out their lives in love: “Tell the kids that I love them.” “I love you!” “Give Mom and Dad my love.”

Life is Precious!

How many times do we go about our daily routines not giving much thought on how quickly things could change? Would we be more conscious? We can’t dwell on death, as it would paralyze our every move and every thought and drive us crazy. But how can we honor our lives every moment, every day, as precious? Alex Blackwell owner of the blog The Bridgemaker writes a post called In the Blink of an Eye where he talks about the seriousness of his wife undergoing surgery and their love. He reflected on their lives together and the sweetness in the little things they do together and share. It’s the LOVE that is there in our daily routines and it’s the LOVE that carries us through the unknown.

Life is Precious!

Dr. Dyer, also in Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling talks about the healing power of love in desperate times in recalling an article he read called “The Rescuing Hug” detailing the first week in the life of a set of twins where one was not expected to live. He tells it like this:

“The babies were in two separate incubators, but nurse Gayle Kasparian fought hospital rules to place them together in one. When Gayle did so, the healthier of the twins threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace – at which point, the weaker baby’s heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal.”

“Even as tiny infants, our spiritually based instincts tell us to love one another. It’s such a simple message, yet it’s so powerful.”

Life is Precious!

In life’s fragility we are touched by a LOVE that goes beyond our thoughts and our physical senses and it is at these times, when our souls show us the way, that we finally appreciate how precious life is!

From the kitchen table – Pat

Hope you’ll come back for another visit. You’re welcome to sit with us at the kitchen table. 

What Do You Identify With? The Ego Knows

We hear a lot these days about identity and identity theft. What are we losing when we lose our identity according to the world’s standards? How attached are you to the things you identify with? I was thinking about this and something else today in more depth after reading Andrea Hess’ post called The Leap Into Growth. Something she said really struck home as I have been wondering “What in the world is going on?” since the beginning of this year.

The first part of this understanding and awakening in making some sense out of my life right now came from these words of hers:

“Sometimes, if we’re truly bogged down in our comfort zone, life itself will conspire to toss us over the edge of our own perceived limitations. Our circumstances seem to crumble around us, making forward movement no longer a matter of choice, but of survival.

Who or what is pushing you out of your comfort zone right now? Honor these people and situations as your master teachers. They are serving you on your path, perhaps in ways you don’t appreciate right now. It may seem that they are conspiring to make you fall into the abyss of the unknown. But perhaps, as you go over that cliff, you realize that you are not falling – you are flying!”

Mother-in-law hospitalized, horse dying, losing job, bills piling up, plumbing backs up, truck blows up………ughhhh! She described my family’s life situations perfectly. We were in survival mode. You would think something is conspiring against you but the “Ah-ha” moment came when I realized from her post that we’ve been in a major spiritual and physical transition and we have been resisting by continuing in our preconceived limitations. We have been looking at life situations from the old perspective. It’s time we no longer hold onto how things worked in the past and how we handled them then. I am now, as she says, “honoring these situations as my master teachers” and looking and listening for spiritual guidance on the next steps to take. I now realized what was happening.

The second part of the beginning of this awakening for me started through the reading of Eckhart Tolle’s book called A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club. In this book, he talks about ego and explains how it operates. I’m only a couple chapters in but what’s significant to me so far is how the ego uses identification. If we associate the “I” with wanting or having then, when things start going amuck, our self-worth is shattered because we’ve identified “I” with what we don’t have. Tolle says it so much better in several ways:

“The egoic mind is completely conditioned by the past. Its conditioning is twofold: It consists of content and structure.”

“One of the most basic mind structures through which the ego comes into existence is identification. … So when I identify with something, I “make it the same.” The same as what? The same as I. I endow it with a sense of self, and so it becomes part of my “identity.””

““I don’t have enough yet.” by which the ego really means, “I am not enough yet.”

So, if, without realizing it, I identify my self-worth with lack it will constantly be reinforced and what I am really saying is…that I am not enough. The awakening part is to realize what we are identifying with and what it is really saying about who we are. You have to start to become aware of it for it to begin to unravel and change.

It’s powerful when you learn to be the observer in your life situations and not judge. Just open your awareness and things will begin to transform. They have already for me just in what I read and absorbed today and in writing this. My identity wasn’t stolen it was just misplaced by attaching its importance to the wrong things. Who I am doesn’t change by situations. Who I am is intact and when I align myself with that instead of what I may identify with my life is transformed.

***Oprah Winfrey is having a free 10-week teleclass on Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club), starting this coming Monday, March 3rd. If you’re interested in reading this book and participating in this class, you can still sign up on her site.

From the kitchen table – Pat

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An Example of Unconditional Love

“Blondes have more fun?” Or do they? What is the attraction we have to one another and how does that compare to real love – unconditional love? TV commercials and ads in newspapers and magazines, not to mention ads on billboards and busses, all appeal to physical senses to get us to buy something. It suggests if it doesn’t look good, smell good or sound good it has very little value. That’s not to say that beauty isn’t pleasurable. It is and is intended to be but you don’t stop there. With our relationships, we need to go deeper. Physical attraction has its place but it will never take root unless it grows and that growth takes place in the heart and spirit. With all the conditioning everywhere, how do we detect true love, aside from our physical senses, and love from the heart?

When you love someone unconditionally, you love them from spirit to spirit passing through physical appearances. It’s the deepest kind of love. Having a dear friend or loved one and never considering their height, skin color or beauty is loving them from the heart. I have relationships that go deeper than physical appearances and I’m sure you do as well. As the years go by, these relationships only grow stronger while we change and learn from each other.

From a page that I stumbled on in StumbleUpon, written by IcyCucky at Quazen, is a story showing us an example of extraordinary love. This brief story talks about a relationship between Jeremy and Christianne and demonstrates the power of unconditional love when there’s imperfection and challenges. Both teenagers fell in love and Christianne found herself pregnant at the age of 19. That wasn’t the only challenge; Christianne is a dwarf and can’t walk very far and Jeremy suffers from attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). They could have made different choices – go their different ways or not have the baby – but they didn’t. I like the observation of the writer in this piece when she says:

“I have heard the expression “love is blind”, but I think love is just beautiful What can be more incredible when two humans just love each other for who they are, the way they are, and do not see limitations in other’s as handicap?”

Maybe you don’t agree with their choices and your reasons may or may not be valid but putting aside opinions, beliefs, physical appearances and senses, the beauty is their discovery of unconditional love at such a young age. Can we support them in this? I believe we should. As the years go by and they grow weary at times, will their young unconditional love continue to grow stronger? I believe it can. I hope in the midst of their challenges, there will be people around them to be a voice for them with love and encouragement. We can learn from their example how to give to each other – yin and yang. Where there’s weakness the other brings strength; when there are doubts and fears, the other embraces with emotional courage.

Love is not blind when it’s unconditional. It will pass the test of time. Only when we get a glimpse of the only true way to love will we have a chance to know. Love comes in so many ways and as Jeremy and Christianne show us, it’s the beauty beyond our physical senses.

From the ol’ kitchen table – Pat