As we look around at the situations in the world we’re tempted to ask, “Where are the miracles?” “Is there no God?” In my own life, I look around and question, “Why is there no change?” “Where are the miracles?” I think just the fact that we question and doubt reveals the state we’re in. We have been conditioned to believe that the mystery of miracles is a fantasy and what you see in this world is reality. As children, we watched Disney and the fantasy of Peter Pan and it’s no different today than dreaming of being in the world of Harry Potter. There is a part of us where there is magic and dreams do come true and what is real is in the world of miracles.
There is no shortage of miracles in the world today. Maybe we haven’t seen as many because we’ve been looking in the wrong places or expect them to show up in the ways they have in the past. In her book, Everyday Grace, Marianne Williamson says, “A miracle occurred not because you caused it but because you allowed it.”
Humanity is at a crossroads where we can no longer afford to cling to what we thought worked for us in the past. It will no longer work. The jobs we once held are no longer available. The faith we had to manifest guidance and hope works now but in a different way. The anti has been upped and those of us who have dabbled in spirituality and have consciously followed the path to changing our lives have to choose. We can no longer afford to stay on the sidelines anymore or sit on the fence – sometimes we believe and other times we’ll go along with popular thought. We need to get serious and commit to what we’ve known to be and not what appears, as the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been before. How can we do that? Williamson goes on to say:
“Therefore, as we address the shadow within us, we are addressing the shadow of the world. The mystic does not deny the darkness, in ourselves or in the world, but affirms a light that lies beyond it. And we have faith the light will prevail because we have faith that light is our true identity.”
Realizing we are light and looking beyond the circumstances and darkness to the light of God will allow miracles to manifest that are so needed in our own lives and in this world. What’s working for you today in your life? Just the fact that you’re curious and open to the possibilities and reading this post demonstrates the power of hope. Have you experienced a shift in energies and the urgency to commit and participate in the mystery of miracles and dance in the fantasy world of your dreams? It may sound crazy to the world but then that’s no less than a miracle.
From the kitchen table – Pat
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