All of us have those special moments we reflect on especially during Christmas. You can remember when you were a child and how everything seemed so simple then – so innocent and pure. It was and it’s supposed to be!
I remember one night before Christmas; it was almost time for bed and I was getting excited. I looked out the window in the dark night and looked up in the sky with my face pressed against the cool windowpane searching for Santa. I didn’t see him but I distinctly remember hearing bells jingle as if a sleigh swooshed by overhead. That was all I needed before settling down for bed with my imaginations all aglow. Can you imagine what the children are feeling and remembering right now and how excited they are with anticipation as Christmas gets closer?
There was another time at Christmas, as a child still believing in Santa, when in our neighborhood there was a tradition of Santa coming around in his sleigh on a trailer pulled by a truck. We would watch for it, like the ice cream man, because there would be music
playing from speakers and bright lights as he made his way up and down the streets. When we heard the music and knew he was on his way we would don our coats and hats and run out the door. As you made your way up to where the sleigh had stopped and saw Santa sitting there, it was like a dream. There in the cool, crisp night looking up at Santa, waiting your turn, you felt like all your prayers were answered. Then, when your turn came and you stepped up on the truck and sat on his lap and told him what you wanted for Christmas, it didn’t matter whether you ever got what you asked for or not. You just got to be with Santa. It was magical. I can still remember the sounds, smells and feelings I carried with me through the night and into Christmas day. He then gave you a netted stocking with small toys and candy as you moved your way down letting the next child step up.
What personal reflections do you have this Christmas?
How do you remember it? Who were the people you enjoyed it with? Can you remember the excitement – the anticipation? Can you remember going to church, listening to music with the carols being sung depicting the holiness of the season on the eve of Christ’s birth? What would that night have been like over two thousand years ago? How important was that for you? What did you feel as you knelt and prayed?
Yes, it’s a magical time of the year and if you’ve not been as fortunate to have that many memories to draw on, you can start this year to make memories for yourself and whoever will be sharing it with you. If you’re alone this Christmas, know that there’s an intelligence out there that knows right where you’re at – at all times. As I mentioned in a previous post, “Authenticity”, Dr. Wayne Dyer quotes from A Course in Miracles something like, “If you knew who walked beside you on this path you have chosen you would never be fearful again.”
This Christmas, as you listen to the sounds of the children giggling and laughing over their new toys, the smells coming from the kitchen as you change channels for another football game, know that no matter what has brought you to this place where you are right now, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. There may be an angel waiting for you to help them get their wings. Listen for the jingle of the bells.
From the kitchen table – Pat
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