A post I read today from a fellow blogger, John Cali, started me thinking. He was asking the question, “How Do You Know If You Are Making a Positive Difference in People’s Lives?” Have you ever thought of that or, maybe, you’ve thought, “What’s the point to what I’m doing?” I remembered, one time, when I was shown how a talking-stick and a poem can make a difference. Here’s my story. Continue reading →
I notice the more I write ― the more is released. There are parts of me I’ve tucked away long ago that bubble up and can no longer push down.
In writing, I get the chance to let it go, when I commit to what has shown up. It certainly was the case, when I wrote this story, “Love Lane”. Continue reading →
Yesterday, I was reminded of an analogy Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke of awhile back, when he asked (to paraphrase), “What comes out when you squeeze an orange?” Well, the obvious answer would be orange juice. But, he took it further in asking to take a personal look at ourselves and what goes on in our lives.
What comes out when we’re being squeezed? I think this is what I got hit with yesterday ― the stuff that’s held onto for so long in people’s hearts. It had to come out.
The story of the orange came to me after a series of phone calls. I was excited to chat, as I normally don’t talk on the phone that much ― at least, not this many calls, one right after the other. The energy built and momentum from one call to the next and I didn’t notice it at first. Continue reading →
Cornucopia of Foods from Autumn Harvest – Microsoft Clipart
Here we are rounding out the end of the year beginning to celebrate major holidays in the US and many countries around the world.The Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us.
It’s that time when we gather with family and friends for good food around the table, conversation and football games. But more importantly we gather to say ‘Thank you’.
It may be especially tough this Thanksgiving for many people – a test of love and faith.
Through the trials, I pray we’ll become tender and yet stronger. I pray we’ll take the time to appreciate the little things and the many people who cross our paths noticing the important roles they play in our lives.
For everything no matter how big or small, hard or easy – I am thankful! – Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
Do you remember the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” where he needs to cross a great precipice as the last of 3 challenges given him? He takes a leap of faith stepping over a cliff in space onto what seems to appear an invisible bridge. I’ve often wondered what it takes to let go like that. Where does the courage come from? How can you know?
Photo by Jim Ruppel – Copyright 2012
When I first saw that movie years ago, I remembered thinking, “No, I don’t think I could ever do that!” I still don’t think I could and yet there are times in our lives when not taking the leap is more life threatening than we realize. That is explained better is this wonderful little story called “The Rope” where letting go was just too hard to do.
Aren’t we faced with similar risky decisions every day – of course, not as dramatic or life threatening – but decisions nonetheless that could very well reshape the course of our lives? But, it seems the majority of time we choose a path most familiar, comfortable with the least resistance. Never realizing how much more fulfilling and exciting our lives could be.
I think this is where I’m at in this stage of my life – reaching inside to find the courage to just let go of the rope. I’ve tried it in the past but was not as committed as I would like.
This time, circumstances have permitted and blessed me with the opportunity to take stock again of the priorities in my life. So I’ve started writing on this blog again and putting more personal stories out there. This is my latest leap.
I remember years ago at a major employer’s I was given the opportunity to create and pilot a workshop series for co-workers. I felt then too like I was taking a huge leap especially in the corporate world. I was scared to death.
The pilot was called “Wisdom for the Ages” and its purpose was to connect to one another on a more personal level by sharing via a talking stick on specific topics (i.e. trust, leadership, attitude, harmony). All were invited no matter the position to 4 one-hour workshops. I would ask questions, play tapes and read poems expanding on the topic.
I know it sounds corny and that is what was scary – just presenting this in a corporate environment. I really didn’t know what I was doing and always squirmed at getting up in front of groups to give a talk.
But here I was taking the leap with the gut feeling that there must be a way to get to know co-workers more with the length of time we spend at work every day. Maybe if we knew each other better there would be more understanding, collaboration and sensitivity to each other’s feelings. We would have a better feel for where our co-workers are coming from.
I remember coming out of a supervisors’ meeting after giving an overview of the workshop and thinking, “What! Was I crazy?” “What do I think I’m doing – poems for crying out loud and a talking stick?” I ducked in a small conference room to gather myself before going back to my desk and cried. I was really out of my element. I called my husband and he calmed me down saying, “It doesn’t matter what is thought – it doesn’t change what it is.”
I regrouped and went back to my desk and noticed that the supervisors’ meeting let out with everyone going back to their desk. One of the supervisors passed my desk and stopped to thank me for the overview. She said it took everything within her power to hold back the tears when I read the poem as she had been dealing with the emotional strain of her mother dying. It reminded her how important life is even when working.
She hugged me with tears still in her eyes and all the fear I felt and frustration melted with the feeling in my heart I had connected in a way I had wanted in starting this pilot. It was worth it.
I’m scared now wondering if I can connect in that same way again but with writing and e-books or should I do as I had done before – give into the fear, not commit and get back in the corporate world again before too much time has lapsed.
We all feel it when we’re faced with challenges of the unknown – some more serious than others. But if you’re scared to make a life change – moving out, going back to school, or even quitting your job and traveling the world – listen closely to see if you hear a voice telling you, “let go of the rope” and take a chance. It may be the best thing in your life you’ve ever done.