Thank you, John, for allowing me the opportunity to share your post with my readers. To me, it struck as a reminder of the world conditions and how critical it is on the part I play and what I can do.

We’re all connected and if we can send out the energy of love, collectively, I can’t help but think it will matter and touch those that need it the most. Here is John’s post:  Continue reading

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Christmas Bears

Christmas Bears Photo © 2014 by Pat Ruppel

I can’t believe Christmas is almost here. It seems just yesterday we were celebrating Halloween. I love this time of year when there’s magic in the air. I feel the innocence of childhood looking back at me from the beginning to now, like two bookends.

It’s true what they say about growing old and that we become young at heart. We even take on a familiar semblance of our baby self with no teeth or hair. Haha ― no, I’m not there, yet, though my heart feels young.

Fun comes out and we get to play with the grandkids, see their eyes sparkle and revel in their joyful laughter. We take part in the hustle and bustle, singing carols, sending and receiving Christmas cards and worshipping in our different faiths.

But, oh! The magic of Toyland ― do you remember? As the song goes, “Once you pass its borders, you can never return again”.  Continue reading

Love And Peace This Easter

Easter Lily

Easter Lily — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis Courtesy MSN Clipart

I’m wishing you love this Easter holiday. I hope, no matter what you’re doing this Sunday, it will be happy and inspired with reverence.

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table

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Peace ― You’re Exactly Where You’re Meant to Be

backyard snow

Backyard Snow by Pat Ruppel © 2013

I struggle with this time of year ― cold and snowy. Everything slows down and it’s smart to stay off the roads, if I no longer have to be anywhere or commute.

When I’m warm and comfortable at home, I fight the urge to withdraw and drop-off-the-radar.

Funny, how we dream of different things. Then, when they change to what we dream, we look for something else. I wonder, “Why is that?”  Continue reading

Beyond The Dream

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Free Image Photo ― Tony Spina/The Detroit Free Press ― Courtesy of Mia Watkins Author – Alabama Blogs and Bloggers (

Monday, we remember Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for his commitment to freedom and equality of every human, no matter color of skin, gender, what you do or from where you come. He sacrificed his life proclaiming freedom, not with violence but with love. I believe we have made progress, since I was a kid growing up in the ‘40’s, ‘50’s and ‘60’s. But, it has been painfully slow.

It brought it all home to me on the severity of cruelty and hate, when I watched an old documentary on Turner Classic Movies the end of last year on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. It was directed by Frank Capra on WWII and why we fightContinue reading

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Acknowledgements: Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Drea more...