

Serenity Photo by JKDs courtesy of PhotoDropper

We’ve had a number of events happen lately, outside of the everyday news on the threats of war, civil unrest in many countries and unusual weather.

I don’t know, but I feel as if my heart, with all these memories and energy shifts, has been ramped up to a different level of pain, love and hope. It started last month with the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death, then this past week on the passing of Nelson Mandela, yesterday, December 7th, the 72nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and today the anniversary of the death of John LennonContinue reading

Peace – Gone Fishin’?

It’s slowed down as the end of summer rounds the corner now that it’s August. It’s been a wild one in our state of Colorado with fires and shootings and the peace is welcome.  I look around and think isn’t there something I should be doing…nothing pressing at the moment…almost feeling guilty.

I haven’t felt like this since I was a kid at my grandparents on the Eastern Shore in Virginia. The days were hot with the windows and doors wide open letting in the summer sounds.  I can hear the hum of the fans and it makes me feel lazy but content.  Shouldn’t I be doing something?  Anyone going fishin’?

Pat – from the ol’ kitchen table