About Pat

Here is a place where you can come to get a lift for the day, perhaps, a little insight to carry you through onto the next adventure of your life. A place where I’ll share a story, perhaps a thought and some reflections and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle. I like to think of it as a gathering around the kitchen table late at night when everything is still and the world has quieted down to rest. Occupation: Writer, blogger, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and one learning and sharing stories in my life. Location: Bailey, CO Introduction: 2007 Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom came out of Wisdom for the Ages, which was born in the corporate world where I gave workshops and facilitated talking-stick discussion groups. When my employer closed their site in 2002 and relocated back East, I took it outside corporate giving presentations as a speaker at Kiwanis, Mile High Sales Professionals, CWEE (Center for Work, Education and Employment) and Business Honoring Spirituality meetings. I also led weekly discussion groups at Morningstar Assisted Living Center. I am passionate about creating a safe environment where people can put aside their differences, share their experiences and wisdom without being right or wrong and benefit from truly listening to one another. It all started with inspiration from a quote from Ram Dass in his book, "Still Here": ….”when there is true surrender and service between people, the roles of helper and helped and the boundaries between those in power and those who are powerless begin to dissolve.”

Like A Blue Sky

Sky Puzzle

Sky Puzzle – WikimediaCommons – Courtesy of MSN Clipart

Do you remember putting puzzles together or painting by the numbers, when there was mostly sky? It was hard to find the pieces to put together, as there was nothing with which to match them up; or, in painting the sky, the same color got tiring ― maybe, even boring. It was how I was thinking about my life the past few months. Things slowed down to a halt with not much happening and I got to wondering what this was all about. Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Pat Ruppel
Acknowledgements: "As It Should Be" - Michael Monroe at more...

Crutches ― For Real Not a Metaphor

My crutches

My crutches

Life has a way of sending messages and getting my attention . . . Whoa! Pump the brakes and back up the bus! This is not a metaphor. I’m really on crutches.

Let me see ― I managed to make it almost 69 years without a broken bone until a few days ago. Yep ― that’s right. I slid on gravel after hooking up the hose and fell fracturing my ankle in 3 places.  Continue reading

Can You Feel It?


Aurora Photo by Jason Ahrns Courtesy of Compfight

Jason Ahrns via Compfight

The evidence is all around me. I can hear it, if I listen. I can feel it. It’s a quiet, subtle sound that’s building and it speaks of harmony. It speaks of love. It’s picking up momentum and its voice is strong, yet gentle, unlike the other noise and chatter demanding my attention. It cuts straight to my core shining light on the darkness and fears I still need to face.

It’s always been there only I’m becoming more aware of it. I’m choosing to listen to it. What will you listen to and how will you respond? It begins with us.

Pat from the ‘ol kitchen table

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Pat Ruppel
Acknowledgements: "The Great Bell Chant" from R Smitten more...


Thank you, John, for allowing me the opportunity to share your post with my readers. To me, it struck as a reminder of the world conditions and how critical it is on the part I play and what I can do.

We’re all connected and if we can send out the energy of love, collectively, I can’t help but think it will matter and touch those that need it the most. Here is John’s post:  Continue reading

Remembering My Mother on Mother’s Day

My Mom

My beautiful Mom in the 1920’s – 1930’s.

For me, there have been too many times I’ve remembered my mother in troubled times with heartfelt struggles and I want it to be different this Mother’s Day. I want to remember her for the beautiful woman that she was and her intelligence.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Pat Ruppel