Happy New Year And A Look Back

Happy New Year by Thanasis Anastasiou

Happy New Year by Thanasis Anastasiou

The New Year 2015 is upon us and, as 2014 pauses to say good-bye, I hope it was a good one for you as it was for me. I can’t say I’m one for making resolutions for the New Year or have accomplished all that I wanted in the past year. I’m having enough trouble learning how to be present with what’s now.

But, if I were to reflect, I would be happy with what I undertook and achieved. With this writing, I will have posted 40 stories for the year. I know it’s not a lot compared to most but with what I’ve shared in my life and what has inspired me, I hope it has mattered.

Here’s a little taste of 2014 and what I did around my kitchen table at “Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom”: Continue reading

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Acknowledgements: "Happy New Year" Photo by
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7-In-One Award ― A Heartfelt Thank You!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you ― I’m truly grateful. I can’t believe this! What an honor and privilege to be nominated for the 7-In-One Award by my friend and fellow blogger, Sherri Matthews at “A View From My Summerhouse”. Continue reading