Where Is God’s Perfection?

Roof and Beer Bottle Photo - © Jim Ruppel 8-26-2012

Roof and Beer Bottle Photo – © Jim Ruppel 8-26-2012

There is a man who walked this earth over 2,000 years ago. He was God’s man ― a child, a Son and a brother ― just as we are today. He came to show us many things. We have created religions, built churches and established holidays in his honor in an attempt to follow his path. His name is Jesus and in the Christian faith we celebrate his life, death and resurrection this weekend through Easter.

Though we have come a long way over 2,000 years, humanity still struggles with the very same issues Jesus taught about and demonstrated. I may look at what’s going on in our world today and be tempted to think maybe his lessons and sacrifice were lost on us. But, I can’t, because I know too many times there are deeper lessons that can only be discovered when our hearts are ready and our eyes are open to truly see. I think that time is upon us.  Continue reading

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Acknowledgements: The Shaya Story by waynedyerfan on Yo more...

The Season of Love and Giving


Christmas Star © MSN Clipart

For Christians all over the world, the season of Christmas is upon us. It’s a holy time when we’re reminded of the birth of Christ, as God’s gift to the world. We celebrate it in many ways, as more of the spirit of love comes alive when we get together and give. I can see it in the acts of kindness, the glee and laughter of a child or a twinkle in the eye of a giver in anticipation of the opening of a gift.

Christmas! What makes it so magical compared to the rest of the year. It’s like the innocence of the child within me is born and, once again, I remember believing and looking for something beyond my imagination.  Continue reading