
TheZenof Trust Photo Courtesy of MSN Clipart

TheZenof Trust Photo Courtesy of MSN Clipart

If you’ve seen any news lately, you might have noticed stirrings and unrest in the United States. It gives a whole new meaning to the term, “ugly American”. Perhaps, it’s not new for generations past, but for those of us alive today, I feel we’re on uncharted territory. It’s not apocalyptic ― but this type of collective unrest is a new unknown ― a wake-up call. It’s like we’re approaching a tipping point and now it’s critical, for me, to learn how to respond and discover what I feel? Continue reading

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Acknowledgements: TheZenof Trust Photo Courtesy of MSN more...

I’ve Been Waiting For Something To Happen

Egg Timer

Egg Timer by MSN Clipart

I’ve been out of touch lately and haven’t written anything. While I have a legitimate reason, with giving my full attention to hubby coming off of surgery, there is more to why I haven’t posted. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for something to happen or a clue on what to do next. Continue reading