Words can’t express how truly thankful I am for the following 3 awards given to me by my Scotland friend, Shaun Gibson at “Praying for One Day”. We made an instant connection, when I noticed he lived there as my paternal grandparents were from Scotland. It’s a place that has always fascinated me and I’ve put it on my bucket list as one of the first places I want to visit. I had the chance to Skype with him and loved hearing that accent once more ― put me in tune with my roots.
Shaun lives with chronic Fibromyalgia pain which limits a lot of what he’s able to do, as a man of 40 with a young family. So, he posts on his site on a variety of topics from music, family, personal reflections, ghost stories, space and current events to politics. He researches and passes along what he finds and is pretty successful, I’d say, with 1000+ followers and 100,000+ views. You don’t have to agree with all of what he says, he just wants you to care, be open and be a part of the solution. No doubt, I’m sure you’re bound to find something that will keep you coming back to his site for more.
The 3 awards I’ve been blessed to receive from Shaun are “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award” (yes, I know it’s a girly award from a guy ― that didn’t stop Shaun), “Semper Fidelis Award” and “Peace and Justice Award”. I’ve acknowledged each one below and followed the listed rules. I hope you will visit the fellow bloggers I’ve nominated for I have grown close to them and enjoy their stories and the messages in their writing. I know I keep choosing some of them for awards over and over only because I feel they are so worthy of recognition.
I know I’ll be posting the pictures of these awards again further on in my post, as I acknowledge them and choose my nominees. I thought they were especially nice and colorful so I just wanted to put them together here, first.

Peace and Justice Award © 2013 Barbara Mattio
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