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A story on the local news touched my heart recently that renewed my faith in the basic goodwill of people. You may challenge me on this and say, “Pat – Goodwill? Where is it when all I see is hate and greed blasted all over the media, internet and newspapers every day! How can you trust anyone?”
You’re right. Scam artists are ‘crawling out of the woodwork’ creating new ways to get your identity and smugglers hustling their drugs across the border in bizarre ways – but, then, a story comes along.
It’s a story about a military family with more-than-your-everyday struggles sending out a call for help for Jake their beloved service dog with severe hip dysplasia. This soldier is not only struggling with his own health issues and his wife’s but now his one true friend and buddy is in pain and in need.
Karl Hofle has just about reached his limit with what he can endure but then you see the response from all over the country and Canada – it’s overwhelming. They needed $10,000 to cover operation expenses or, according to their vet, their companion would have to be put to sleep. By the end of the day $37,000+ was in the account. It’s the rallying around this family and outpouring of generosity and willingness to help that is beautiful and touching.
I know there is a lot of corruption in the world today and we have to be smart in how we shop, transact our business right down to checking out who we connect with on Facebook and Twitter. I just registered for an online networking course and for my protection my transaction was held until cleared by all parties because the funds were being sent out of the country.
I’m thankful for the protections we have in place in this country but even more for the freedoms we share and enjoy for which a heavy price was paid. The United States is unique in that we’ve always opened our borders to everyone no matter race, religion, or belief – political or otherwise – and the right to express our differences. Our basic culture has been to share and reach out to one another.
It’s our nature to help even though that’s challenged today in other parts of the world where our very presence is met with death, anger and hate. Our faith in each other is even being tested within our borders in homes and businesses across every town and city by mistrust as a result of the rampage of fraud and corruption. But the basic goodwill is still there with the desire to help and will, I believe, always show up when the call goes out.
A long time ago I remember a story a co-worker, new to the United States, had told me when her car broke down going home from work. In telling the story, it wasn’t so much the difficulty in getting the car back on the road as it was in how quickly someone pulled over to help. She said in her native country that was unheard of – no one ever stops to help someone broken down on the road.
I never asked why or got into the details because I was so taken back from her reaction to a responder to her distress. We use more caution these days, but I think there will always be those willing to help a person stranded on the side of the road in a broken car. It’s just the way it is.
In another less dramatic way, I was reminded again in a webinar I participated in how others are willing to offer their knowledge and expertise. With the status of world events in dire straits (if you listen to the news) it’s refreshing to experience the outpouring of giving in something as minor as a webinar. It felt genuine – not just another ploy of empty promises where someone is bating you with an opportunity to get you to buy something.
Perhaps, if we look more for the goodwill of people instead of what’s bad more will show up and we’ll realize somewhere along the way it was there all the time.
Pat – from the ol’ kitchen table ~~ Put a smile on my face and leave a comment or question!
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