I felt especially thankful this morning for a new day, my family, my health, home, my life. I thought about the “ins” and “outs”, “ups” and “downs” ― considering all of it. I thought about the places I’ve been, people I’ve known and things I’ve done. If any of it had been a little different, would I be who and where I am today? Probably not. Continue reading →
Cornucopia of Foods from Autumn Harvest – Microsoft Clipart
Here we are rounding out the end of the year beginning to celebrate major holidays in the US and many countries around the world.The Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us.
It’s that time when we gather with family and friends for good food around the table, conversation and football games. But more importantly we gather to say ‘Thank you’.
It may be especially tough this Thanksgiving for many people – a test of love and faith.
Through the trials, I pray we’ll become tender and yet stronger. I pray we’ll take the time to appreciate the little things and the many people who cross our paths noticing the important roles they play in our lives.
For everything no matter how big or small, hard or easy – I am thankful! – Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
Here we are this evening poised at the edge where the years collide with one another. We are reminiscent of what took place in 2007 and hopeful when ringing in 2008. Some of us will be sad to see 2007 go and others will be glad and look forward to a new beginning in 2008.
For me personally, I have some things to be thankful for in 2007 but am one of the ones looking forward to a new beginning in 2008 and I don’t want to carry over those things I had difficulty with in 2007 that I still need to learn even though I know it doesn’t work that way. I’m looking forward to a fresh new beginning – no diets, no resolutions – just being free and appreciating life on this path I have chosen. It has not been an easy road and I know a lot of it I’ve made harder for myself when I could have chosen differently.
In 2008, I want to continue to feel love for myself the way God feels love for me; to continue learning my full potential and shine in it and not shrug and make excuses for it; to live in the realization that I am a creation of God and to express that in the best way I know how. I have hope in this new beginning.
I know there are those of you around the world who are experiencing a gamut of changes on the crest of this New Year. And some of you may need some hope in the process. There is a beautiful little story about Hope called 4 Candles (by braveheartlove on YouTube). Sometimes, when we feel like we’ve lost it all, this little movie clip is a reminder that as long as we have Hope we can always rekindle Peace, Faith, and Love.
It only takes a kind word or gesture to give us hope and make us feel like we count. Unfortunately, when we’re in those states when we need hope the most, our thoughts and feelings are not aligned with all that’s possible. That’s when we need each other’s help.
So, as this New Year rings in this evening be happy, be hopeful for all the new possibilities and share that hope with someone. You might be the one spark they needed to begin 2008! Happy New Year – be safe and may you all be blessed with all that God has for you!
From the kitchen table – Pat
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