I’ve Been Waiting For Something To Happen

Egg Timer

Egg Timer by MSN Clipart

I’ve been out of touch lately and haven’t written anything. While I have a legitimate reason, with giving my full attention to hubby coming off of surgery, there is more to why I haven’t posted. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for something to happen or a clue on what to do next. Continue reading

Letting Go of “Love Lane”

aspens along road

Photo © 2013 by Pat Ruppel

I notice the more I write ― the more is released. There are parts of me I’ve tucked away long ago that bubble up and can no longer push down.

In writing, I get the chance to let it go, when I commit to what has shown up. It certainly was the case, when I wrote this story, “Love Lane”.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Life’s Timeline

Small business people on chess board

Small business people on chess board — MSN Clipart

I’m noticing things are different, this time, after I retired in April 2012. It’s no longer an “in-between jobs” mindset. I’m in a good place and more settled and connected than ever. I feel as if my heart and head are coming together with purpose and meaning.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Thank You For The Sunshine Award!

The Sunshine Blogging Award
The Sunshine Blogging Award

 I’m honored to be nominated for “The Sunshine Award” (twice) from a couple of my favorite inspirational, internet-blogger friends.

This most recent Sunshine Award nomination comes from Diane Reed on her “The One Thing I Know for Sure” site. I’ve come to know Diane through her life stories of struggle and triumph. She has been a testimony to me in how she shares her life in the highs and the lows.  Continue reading

It Was One of Those Moments

My heart was touched today. It was one of those moments I wish I could capture and hold not letting it slip away. Sometimes memories are triggered from an old song or the smell of fizzing Coca-Cola transporting me to a safe place of love. That’s what happened today when I read this little story from an old friend. I guess I needed a jump-start, feeling dull and bored, second-guessing my purpose and worth in the world. You know the tapes.

And then a little whisper of inspiration came my way and tears bubbled up. In listening to this song and reading the story, I felt a flood of mixed emotions ― sadness, disregard, old, withdrawn, shame, guilt, innocence, discovery, forgiveness, love. What a piece of work we are as humans.

I saw myself playing all the parts. I was the son, daughter-in-law, the grandfather and the child and felt the emotions of each one as they played it out. I’m glad they played it to the end and didn’t get stuck on one part. That’s what it feels like sometimes.

The story triggered a genuine, tender love for my fellow humans and me. We mess it up a lot ― BIG TIME. But, when we get it right, it’s just as monumental. As I reflect on that moment I still feel the tenderness of forgiveness and love given freely as you would to a young child.

My heart was touched ― “Oh, how I wish this tenderness, love and forgiveness for the world.”

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table