God Wink

Affirm card of the day 4-26-19
Affirm card of the day 4-26-19

I got a God wink today – that’s what I call it. For me, it’s a moment that connects me to something out there . . . like more is going on and someone is watching. Not creepy – just a spontaneous thought I had and it appeared – like magic.

It’s so instantaneous, when it happens, it can make you laugh. Which is what happened to me and had to say out loud to myself (and someone invisible), “You saw that?”

Every day lately, I’ve been pulling an affirmation card for a message to set the tone and start my day. It’s from a deck of cards my friend created and gave me a couple weeks ago.

Kim's Affirmation Cards

Kim’s Affirmation Cards

Today, I took them out to pull a card and paused asking for the perfect message I needed to hear for today. Then, I started shuffling them.

As I shuffled, the one at the beginning, pictured above, popped out and flipped over my arm and, as I caught it, I remembered a brief thought, “I wonder if that was my card.” I ignored the thought thinking, just as briefly, “Naaah”, and stuck it back in the deck and continued shuffling.

Then I stopped shuffling, with the cards in both hands, fanned them out and picked one randomly.

Which one do you suppose I picked? Hah!! Yes!! It was the very one that flipped out of the deck earlier when I started to shuffle. Coincidence – maybe. But, I think I’ll choose to believe otherwise.

Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book of affirmations, The Invisible Force: 365 Ways to Apply the Power of Intention to Your Life, said:

#4 – Remain humble and grateful for all your accomplishments, and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work in your life.”

Pat from the ‘ol kitchen table


NOTE: If anyone is interested for more information on my friend’s affirmation cards, let me know and I can get you in touch with her.

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Acknowledgements: Wayne Dyer's reference #4 affirmation more...


This is an exciting day – full of energy, possibilities and the Christmas season. It’s the magic of the sequence of month, day and year coming together on one day. In my lifetime, I will not see this anomaly again as it won’t occur until the next century (2100) when it starts all over again. That’s incredible!

It’s not only the sequence of today’s numeric date but the mysterious and powerful energies I believe they bring that is so needed in the times we now live. Can you feel it? If you would let go and imagine, consider this poem written over a hundred years ago by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an English poet and essayist:

Samuel Coleridge poem

What if – what if in your wildest dreams you could imagine anything to come true? What would that be – what would it look like? They say the planets are aligning, the Winter Solstice is at hand and the Mayan calendar speaks of a new world emerging. What counts for you is how you align with that, the possibilities and what you create now in your life.

I can feel the shift around me – especially this time of year when you hear people say they wish the Christmas magic was year-long with love and kindness. I believe we can shift our thoughts and beliefs anytime to make changes in our lives and the world around us. But, I feel now is especially important to take advantage of the energies presenting themselves this day, this month and the rest of 2012.

Some things to do:

  1. Keep positive with the people, music and places you love and tune into new and exciting possibilities.
  2. Imagine what you’d like to create and hold the feeling and picture of it.
  3. Allow yourself to let go – be silly, happy, laugh. Go with the everyday flow and seek happiness.
  4. Change up your routines. Go for a long drive – maybe take an overnight trip. What if what you imagined or wanted to create was around the next corner or with the next person you met?
  5. Always give – not because you’re expecting something in return but because it keeps your heart aligned with love which is stronger on this day and at this time of the year. Doesn’t take much: maybe a special note in a Christmas card or helping someone with their packages.

I hope this day is an especially powerful day for you full of dreams and exciting promises for the future. I hope you will join me in imagining the many possibilities and tap into the energies stronger than ever surrounding us to make them happen.

What if…….?

Pat – from the ol’ kitchen table

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