A New Year – Poems, Prayers and Promises

Footpath Roberto Verzo via Compfight

It’s almost a New Year and I can sense so many changes on the horizon not only in our world but in me, my home and my family.

Life gets crazy sometimes and it’s hard to make sense of what’s up or down. There are so many distractions, news stories and bits of information coming at me from all sides, I hardly know what to place my attention on or believe. But then, I remember a song and it settles me and puts everything back on track.


Life is what I make it and it starts from the inside and flows out. If I can remember that in this New Year, it will be okay.

God bless you and . . .

Happy New Year!

Pat from the ‘ol kitchen table

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Acknowledgements: "Footpath" photo by Roberto Verzo Cou more...