About Pat

Here is a place where you can come to get a lift for the day, perhaps, a little insight to carry you through onto the next adventure of your life. A place where I’ll share a story, perhaps a thought and some reflections and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle. I like to think of it as a gathering around the kitchen table late at night when everything is still and the world has quieted down to rest. Occupation: Writer, blogger, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and one learning and sharing stories in my life. Location: Bailey, CO Introduction: 2007 Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom came out of Wisdom for the Ages, which was born in the corporate world where I gave workshops and facilitated talking-stick discussion groups. When my employer closed their site in 2002 and relocated back East, I took it outside corporate giving presentations as a speaker at Kiwanis, Mile High Sales Professionals, CWEE (Center for Work, Education and Employment) and Business Honoring Spirituality meetings. I also led weekly discussion groups at Morningstar Assisted Living Center. I am passionate about creating a safe environment where people can put aside their differences, share their experiences and wisdom without being right or wrong and benefit from truly listening to one another. It all started with inspiration from a quote from Ram Dass in his book, "Still Here": ….”when there is true surrender and service between people, the roles of helper and helped and the boundaries between those in power and those who are powerless begin to dissolve.”

Ghost Stories From an Old House: #Story

My Grandparents' House - Many Years Later - Photo © 2012 Courtesy of My Cousin

My Grandparents’ House – Many Years Later – Photo © 2012 Courtesy of My Cousin

Hi everyone — sending a quick note to let you know and thank Susan Cooper for the honor of being her guest over at “Finding Our Way Now” with the contribution of the following story.

It’s a story I wrote last year and begins like this.


Ghost Stories From an Old House: #Story

It was the home where my mother grew up in a small beach town in Virginia, situated on main street and only 2 blocks from downtown.

You wouldn’t think the house would be “haunted” just to look at it. And, oh, what would it say, if it could talk? “I remember that family ― the small, frail man and the large, strong endearing woman. She understood me.”


I hope you’ll pay Susan a visit, leave a comment and share the love.

Thank You!

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Pat Ruppel


Underwood No. 5 keys Photo by Pat David Courtesy of PhotoDropper

Underwood No. 5 keys Photo by Pat David Courtesy of PhotoDropper

I was humbled today in a very tender way. So much so, I felt embarrassed and was moved to tears. It led me to write this post to capture what I felt so I would remember.

As is the case, I’m grateful in not having to plan most of my days. Instead, I enjoy watching them unfold. I found myself this morning watching this day unfold by attending to techy, computer work. Hubby had gotten another external hard drive with more space to back up our files as I had run out of room on the other drive. I tend to accumulate stuff and have difficulty purging. That’s a topic I’ll save for a different time.

It seemed simple. Create a new folder on the new drive and copy and paste files over from my laptop. As he was giving me the instructions on the new drive, I found my chest and throat tightening to a point where I was having trouble talking. I was panicking about something new to learn and afraid of messing up something I believed to be important. I know it sounds crazy.

I’ve felt this before when I’ve had difficulty understanding, afraid of losing something or screwing it up beyond repair. I don’t know why I get myself so worked up with computer stuff. Lord knows I’ve worked my way through so much in creating a blog, videos, and e-book, even worked as an administrative assistant for some 25+ years.  So, on it went with the banter back and forth until I just copied the ‘dang’ files over . . . and then it happened.  Continue reading

Nearing The End of Summer ― A Kenosha Pass Walkabout

Kenosha Pass overlooking South Park in Colorado

Kenosha Pass overlooking South Park – Photo © 2014 by Pat Ruppel

Ahh, the long Labor Day weekend has come and gone. It’s the holiday that falls on the first Monday of September when many families in the U.S. celebrate by barbecuing, camping or going to the beach for one last time before the seasons change. For me, it has always signaled the end of summer.

As I look back over the past few months, I can’t help but reflect on what I did and wonder where the time went. It was a beautiful, cool summer with more showers than usual keeping everything green. We didn’t do much this year except take a ride now and then. I thought I’d share one of those rides with you as another walkabout.  Continue reading

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Guest Post — Sweet Days of Summer: #Story

cousin and Pat as children

Cousin and Pat when they were children – Photo © by Pat Ruppel

Hi everyone — I’m honored to be Susan Cooper’s guest over at “Finding Our Way Now” with my contribution of Sweet Days of Summer: #Story. It was taken from my free e-book and begins like this:

Here’s a little story I wrote back in 2012, in reflection, as the sweet days of summer wound down and cooler nights were soon to come.

It had been a rough year having come through the loss of my mother-in-law, not to mention an outsourced job along with catastrophic statewide news. I guess you could say my heart wanted to feel happy and safe. What better way than to recapture some childhood moments.

I hope you’ll drop by Susan’s site, leave a comment and share the love.

Thank You!

Pat at the ol’ kitchen table

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Pat Ruppel

A Happy Tune

Embracing the Rain

Embracing the Rain Photo by AdriaanC – Courtesy of PhotoDropper

You know how music can set the tone for your emotions and change your whole day?

Well, here’s a little ditty for you. I just came across this tune this morning by Shakey Graves aka Alejandro Rose-Garcia. Made me light and happy, clapping my hands. Put a smile on my face and a foot-stomping spring in my steps. Who would have thought — I had never heard of him before and I’m lovin’ it.

I hope it does the same for you, my friends.

And, here’s more on Shakey Graves, a one-man band . . . you gotta see this. So talented. Enjoy!

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