About Pat

Here is a place where you can come to get a lift for the day, perhaps, a little insight to carry you through onto the next adventure of your life. A place where I’ll share a story, perhaps a thought and some reflections and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle. I like to think of it as a gathering around the kitchen table late at night when everything is still and the world has quieted down to rest. Occupation: Writer, blogger, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and one learning and sharing stories in my life. Location: Bailey, CO Introduction: 2007 Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom came out of Wisdom for the Ages, which was born in the corporate world where I gave workshops and facilitated talking-stick discussion groups. When my employer closed their site in 2002 and relocated back East, I took it outside corporate giving presentations as a speaker at Kiwanis, Mile High Sales Professionals, CWEE (Center for Work, Education and Employment) and Business Honoring Spirituality meetings. I also led weekly discussion groups at Morningstar Assisted Living Center. I am passionate about creating a safe environment where people can put aside their differences, share their experiences and wisdom without being right or wrong and benefit from truly listening to one another. It all started with inspiration from a quote from Ram Dass in his book, "Still Here": ….”when there is true surrender and service between people, the roles of helper and helped and the boundaries between those in power and those who are powerless begin to dissolve.”

Magic In All the Right Places

Magic Woods

Magic Woods – © Photophilde — Courtesy of PhotoDropper

Where do we find magic in the daily routines of our fast-paced lives? It’s different for everyone in what triggers a place in your heart capturing a special moment worth remembering.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Change and My First Video

Changing Leaves in Autumn

Changing Leaves in Autumn — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis at MSN Clipart

‘If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.’ ~~ Lao Tzu    (taken from Leo Babauta’s “Zen Habits”)

Change happens and is natural. It’s constant starting with the ticking of time. If you’ve been on my site before, you’ll notice I made a change to the colors and picture. I’ve been in a funk lately. I felt stuck and decided to shake things up. It helps to jump-start creativity and get the brain juices flowing again.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

There’s Something About Music

Listening to music transports me to a fantasy place unlike any other. You know how it is when you get into your music. It stirs up love, happiness and a little bit of giddiness.

old records

Old Records Photo © 2013 by Pat Ruppel

I found myself doing that today, getting into my old music and dancing around the living room. It’s funny how music can do that for you no matter what generation. It brought back old memories and good feelings.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Thank You! Wonderful Team Member Readership Award Nomination

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

The end of June, I was honored to be nominated for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Thank you to my Scottish internet friend, Shaun Gibson at “Praying for One Day”, for this award.

We have become acquainted through the sharing and exchange of life’s stories and a connection in my father’s parents also being from Scotland.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel


woman at laptop computer

Young Woman at Laptop — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis from MSN Clipart

I sat down at my computer to write this morning and thought, “I’m blank. I don’t have anything to write.”

So, I went off in a different direction over to the internet checking emails, Facebook, Twitter, stats on my site.

Before I knew it, the morning was gone. This happens more often than I care to mention.

Does anyone have as much trouble with focus, like I do?  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel