
woman at laptop computer

Young Woman at Laptop — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis from MSN Clipart

I sat down at my computer to write this morning and thought, “I’m blank. I don’t have anything to write.”

So, I went off in a different direction over to the internet checking emails, Facebook, Twitter, stats on my site.

Before I knew it, the morning was gone. This happens more often than I care to mention.

Does anyone have as much trouble with focus, like I do?  Continue reading

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Life’s Timeline

Small business people on chess board

Small business people on chess board — MSN Clipart

I’m noticing things are different, this time, after I retired in April 2012. It’s no longer an “in-between jobs” mindset. I’m in a good place and more settled and connected than ever. I feel as if my heart and head are coming together with purpose and meaning.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel