You Were There

Poem by Jim Ruppel

Poem © Jim Ruppel

When, in a distant place by the sea

And I was young and free and alone

I searched for a special someone

To walk beside, someone I didn’t know


Later, when we left the sea

And came to the mountains

The vastness of this new place

Filled me with fear


I roamed from job to job

From trouble to trouble

Searching for something from within and without

Yet never quite finding and feeling the doubt


And now in this time of finding

This time of happiness and joy

This time of reaching and growing

This time especially for sharing


© Jim Ruppel

The world can be unsettling, at times, especially if you listen to the news. You don’t know what’s going to happen next or how to prepare. You can take comfort, when you have a constant in your life you can always count on, whether it be a companion, friend, pet or a special place. I know this to be true in many ways. Let me tell you how it began to unfold for me. Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Pat Ruppel

Ahhh Sunshine: Not Rain!

sunshine breaking through storm

Sunshine breaking through the storm – Photo by warriorwoman531 Courtesy PhotoDropper

It was so good to wake up to sunshine today, having seen so much rain in Colorado the past week. In case you haven’t followed the news stories over the weekend, we’ve had an enormous amount of rainfall the past several days with devastating floods. One even said the rain was in “biblical” proportions. I know, as long as I’ve lived here, since 1969, I haven’t seen this much rainfall in a short span of days.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel