Thank You To Our Veterans

Wounded Veterans

Wounded Veterans (External image) courtesy of MSN Clipart

My country, the US, has been greatly blessed over time and many have stepped up and given their all and continue to do so ― for which I am truly grateful ― veterans, law enforcement, volunteers to name a few. We are a giving people. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be called to work in situations where you face life and death decisions every day. It takes a special human to answer that call. Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Pat Ruppel
Acknowledgements: "Remember" by Harry Nilsson; Photos o more...

11th Month – 11th Day – 11th Hour: Lest We Forget!


Greenlight A Vet shines a light on the impact transitioning veterans make in and out of uniform in communities across the country. (Photo: Photo courtesy of Walmart Corp.)

It’s the time to pause, pay tribute and remember those who have fought for our freedom today on Veteran’s Day. It falls on the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month of every year and many are still giving the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe.

It’s not just this day but every day we’re reminded of the dangers and horrors of war. Many of our families have an empty chair at the dinner table. Some of us will fly flags, mount poppies, put flowers on graves, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree or (new this year), shine a greenlight for a vet to acknowledge their sacrifice and say a heartfelt thank-you. Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2015 Pat Ruppel
Acknowledgements: more...

Poppies Honor Lives They Would Have Led

Every year, on the 11th Month ― 11th Day ― and the 11th Hour, we pause to honor and pay tribute to those who now serve and those who have paid the ultimate price for keeping our countries free and safe.

Poppies I

Poppies I Photo by Charlotta Wasteson (

It is fitting that some 4 million people have visited the Tower of London to view a sea of 888,246 erected ceramic poppies, one for each fallen British soldier of World War I. It was supposed to be the war that ends all wars.

From the NBC National News comes a report by Brian Williams on “Tower of London Poppies Honor ‘Lives They Would Have Led’Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Pat Ruppel

God Bless our Troops ― Thank You!

Today, we celebrate Veteran’s Day honoring our soldiers that are serving and have served to protect the United States. In tribute to many that have put their lives on the line, both young and old, for the freedoms we share.

To all veterans, from the bottom of my heart, I salute you and say THANK YOU!

May God Bless You and your families!

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table