The Secret

The Stonehenge in England Photo Provided by Fotolia at MSN Clipart

The Stonehenge in England Photo Provided by Fotolia at MSN Clipart

 “We all sit around in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the center and knows” ~~ Robert Frost

I love this quote by Robert Frost and can relate in many circumstances. In fact, it’s probably what I’ve done most of my life, metaphorically ― analyze everything to death but would never get to the core.

Therein lies the frustration, when it seems the answers are right there ― so close you feel them. Only, you don’t know why you can’t see. Why you don’t understand and why it’s happening to me. Have you ever felt that way?  Continue reading

“Life is Not a Sharp Knife to Cut All Those Bad Memories”: Guest Story by Rishika Jain Inspirations (RJI) and Shared by “Be Legendary”

What do we do in life’s multitude of situations? How we respond to family and those we interact with every day in life? As I look back, I know there are many times I wished I had taken a little more time to think things through before I reacted.

I’m getting better at it and this story is a wonderful, reflective reminder to me. It is by Rishika Jain Inspirations (RJI) and shared on Facebook by Be Legendary.


"Life is Not a Sharp Knife to Cut all those Bad Memories" Photo from

When  I was a kid, my Mom liked to cook food and every now & then I remember she used to cook for us.

One night in particular when she had made dinner after a long hard day at work, Mom placed a plate of bread, jam and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt toast.

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My Little Miracle

Tree Photo - MSN Clipart

Tree Photo – MSN Clipart

I’ve been reading a lot lately, books, posts, articles, and came across some of my old journals. I had forgotten about this incident I wrote about in December of 1999 . . . my little miracle.

It’s been more than 10 years ago and I can still remember it, as if it was yesterday. It was not so insignificant, at the time, or minor, as I recall, and goes like this:  Continue reading

Yom Hashoa: Holocaust remembrance: Never Forget! Isacc Klein’s story – Guest Post by Barbara Topolsky

I want to share a post written by Barbara Topolsky on her site “My Life in my 60’s” and join with her in remembering Isacc Klein’s story.

I pray by keeping his story and others’ stories alive, we won’t forget and will remember them and what they endured. Together, with their help, may we find ways to forgive and love instead of hate.

Yom Hashoa: Holocaust remembrance: Never Forget! Isacc Klein’s story


Jewish prisoners being deported from the Krakó...

Jewish prisoners being deported from the Kraków Ghetto. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As time goes on, the Holocaust survivors are dying out.  Since this month we commemorate them, I think we owe a responsibility to retell their stories.

Recently, I visited the Holocaust Museum in Miami. A Holocaust survivor, Isaac Klein,was telling his personal story and answering questions.

Stern started out by describing his family life before the Holocaust. His parent’s names were Simon and Pepi Klein. His twin brother Tsvi and him were the eldest of eight children. Before 1938, the family were farmers, and led a normal happy life.  Continue reading

Thank You … in Reflection

Rainbow Photo by Pat Ruppel

Rainbow Photo by Pat Ruppel

I felt especially thankful this morning for a new day, my family, my health, home, my life. I thought about the “ins” and “outs”, “ups” and “downs” ― considering all of it. I thought about the places I’ve been, people I’ve known and things I’ve done. If any of it had been a little different, would I be who and where I am today? Probably not.  Continue reading

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Acknowledgements: Louie Schwartzberg - Nature, Beauty, more...