I remember at the beginning of January, it became very clear in one of my
meditations that this would be a year of tremendous growth mentally and
spiritually for me. Continue reading
TALKING ABOUT EMOTIONS AND THEIR TRIGGERS: Guest Interview with Brandon Pearce – Husband, Father, Truth Seeker and Internet CEO/Consultant
I first came across Brandon through his website called Pearce on Earth by way of a Tim Ferriss “Case Study: What Does a 4-Hour Workweek Look Like … With a Family?” Brandon had written a story on his site called “Do Emotions Affect the Body?” and I was immediately struck by his integrity and honesty.
I instantly felt a connection and thought, “this is a man after my own heart”, with how open and truthful he expressed his emotions in his acceptance of himself working through his own health issue. As Oriah Mountain Dreamer conveys in her poem “The Invitation”, Brandon came across as ‘real’ and I felt he would be someone I would enjoy having a conversation with. Continue reading
Journey of Love
With it being Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share with you our Journey of Love
through a series of stories I’ve written. Continue reading
Just for Fun – Part 2
When I thought more on my last story “Just for Fun” and letting go, I realized there was more I could add ― a lot more. So, here is Part 2.
I want to tell you about 3 incidents and people I worked with who knew how to be loose and let go in a fun way similar to my grandmother but more removed with no attachments. Continue reading
Just For Fun
Slade Roberson at Shift Your Spirits recently wrote a post (with same photo) called “Please, You Must Be Eccentric” and it got me thinking. What would it feel like to have no inhibitions and, just for fun, let go, let it rip and totally set our imaginations free?
What would be the first thing you’d do ― dance around, shout for joy, sing, laugh, take off for Paris, get married????? The imaginations are endless when we just let go of the what-if’s! Continue reading