Letting Go of “Love Lane”

aspens along road

Photo © 2013 by Pat Ruppel

I notice the more I write ― the more is released. There are parts of me I’ve tucked away long ago that bubble up and can no longer push down.

In writing, I get the chance to let it go, when I commit to what has shown up. It certainly was the case, when I wrote this story, “Love Lane”.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Ahhh Sunshine: Not Rain!

sunshine breaking through storm

Sunshine breaking through the storm – Photo by warriorwoman531 Courtesy PhotoDropper

It was so good to wake up to sunshine today, having seen so much rain in Colorado the past week. In case you haven’t followed the news stories over the weekend, we’ve had an enormous amount of rainfall the past several days with devastating floods. One even said the rain was in “biblical” proportions. I know, as long as I’ve lived here, since 1969, I haven’t seen this much rainfall in a short span of days.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

Squeezed Oranges and More

squeeze oranges,

Oranges — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis at MSN Clipart

Yesterday, I was reminded of an analogy Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke of awhile back, when he asked (to paraphrase), “What comes out when you squeeze an orange?” Well, the obvious answer would be orange juice. But, he took it further in asking to take a personal look at ourselves and what goes on in our lives.

What comes out when we’re being squeezed? I think this is what I got hit with yesterday ― the stuff that’s held onto for so long in people’s hearts. It had to come out.

The story of the orange came to me after a series of phone calls. I was excited to chat, as I normally don’t talk on the phone that much ― at least, not this many calls, one right after the other. The energy built and momentum from one call to the next and I didn’t notice it at first.  Continue reading

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Pat Ruppel

My Little Miracle

Tree Photo - MSN Clipart

Tree Photo – MSN Clipart

I’ve been reading a lot lately, books, posts, articles, and came across some of my old journals. I had forgotten about this incident I wrote about in December of 1999 . . . my little miracle.

It’s been more than 10 years ago and I can still remember it, as if it was yesterday. It was not so insignificant, at the time, or minor, as I recall, and goes like this:  Continue reading

It Was One of Those Moments

My heart was touched today. It was one of those moments I wish I could capture and hold not letting it slip away. Sometimes memories are triggered from an old song or the smell of fizzing Coca-Cola transporting me to a safe place of love. That’s what happened today when I read this little story from an old friend. I guess I needed a jump-start, feeling dull and bored, second-guessing my purpose and worth in the world. You know the tapes.

And then a little whisper of inspiration came my way and tears bubbled up. In listening to this song and reading the story, I felt a flood of mixed emotions ― sadness, disregard, old, withdrawn, shame, guilt, innocence, discovery, forgiveness, love. What a piece of work we are as humans.

I saw myself playing all the parts. I was the son, daughter-in-law, the grandfather and the child and felt the emotions of each one as they played it out. I’m glad they played it to the end and didn’t get stuck on one part. That’s what it feels like sometimes.

The story triggered a genuine, tender love for my fellow humans and me. We mess it up a lot ― BIG TIME. But, when we get it right, it’s just as monumental. As I reflect on that moment I still feel the tenderness of forgiveness and love given freely as you would to a young child.

My heart was touched ― “Oh, how I wish this tenderness, love and forgiveness for the world.”

Pat from the ol’ kitchen table