We Need Help, Bad: A Mediator, Arbiter, Equalizer, Referee, Healer – Anyone ― Dalai Lama!?

Angry Arguments

Angry Arguments Photo © Microsoft Clipart

I’ve been watching too much CNN/FOX television lately and got caught up
in the energies of politics.

It’s easy to do these days with so much happening in the news surrounding Washington D.C. It got me thinking about the heated issues of the U.S. debt ceiling and government shutdown and how I feel about it.  Continue reading


“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible and suddenly you’re doing the impossible” ~~ St. Francis of Assisi

coastal bridge

Coastal Bridge – MSN Clipart

I’m possible and impossible. What a difference a little spacing and punctuation makes in perspective. It’s like tuning in a station on the radio ― the perspectives are so close, yet worlds apart in meaning.

When I awoke this morning, before I got up, I lay there for awhile picturing my day, listening to the sounds outside and feeling the gentle, cool currents of the morning air with the windows ajar.  Continue reading

Have You Heard This Story?

What would it feel like to have what you say valued ― to feel what you said was truly heard and considered valid? But, take it further ― what you said touched a heart and made a connection opening up an opportunity for change. In today’s fast-paced, hi-tech world is that even possible?

I believe it is and one way is through our stories and experiences. Stories can create a place of comfort with having found something in common with someone else. It may be a small incident yet powerful in how you feel once you’ve been brought together through a story. The perspective you’ve gained can change your life.

Here’s one of those stories I came across in Facebook that reminded me of my grandmother and the stories she shared with me.

The following story and photo are used by permission by Brigitte at Lessons Learned in Life Facebook Page:


Grandmother says… Carrots, Eggs or Coffee; “Which are you?”

grandmother at sink

Used by permission by Brigitt on Facebook Page “Lessons Learned in Life”

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Acknowledgements: Grandmother photo and "Carrots Eggs o more...