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“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” ~~ Alexander Graham Bell

Door Photo – © 2012 by Jim Ruppel
One thing I’ve begun to observe in these new beginnings – changes are that they come in many package forms.Like many of you who may be experiencing life changes swirling around, in and out as if out of control hardly able to catch our breath, the changes presented to us can be good and some not so good.
But I’m beginning to notice how they are different not whether they’re good or bad but what opportunities they can bring in growth and reflection even if the package appears not too appealing.
Nobody likes changes because we find ourselves out of our comfort zone and forced to face things we’d rather put off for another day. But if we choose to step back and take another view, changes can bring not only something new but they can bring freedom – a break away from the old – if you dare to embrace them.
Let me explain some of my personal new beginnings – changes I’ve been experiencing in the past year. Near the end of last year 2011, I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor. That will stop anybody in their tracks with all the emotions and thoughts flooding in at once. I realized with the ebb and flow of life that there are things people can do for me and with me and there are other things ultimately only I can do for myself when it comes to my body.
I was blessed to have loved ones supporting me along with a fantastic doctor team and medical technology but they can’t physically take over the task at hand and make the decisions I was pressed to make whether I wanted to or not. No procrastinating here.
I say that because of what my acupuncturist presented me with. He told me that the universe gives us choices and presents each of us with crossroads throughout our lives and he felt this was a gift and that I was, indeed, at a crossroads – I could choose life or I could choose death and either choice would be okay.
At the time, all I could think and feel was “I’m tired – tired of beating the wind”. But somewhere I must have made the choice to live because I started the radiation and chemo treatments and finished early November 2011 resulting with the tumor gone. Before this went down I should have gotten a clue earlier last summer when we lost our 30-year old horse to colic not long after our son-in-law had an emergency health issue in which he almost lost his life. Some big new beginnings and life catcher change packages not asked for but presented nonetheless and the universe finally got my attention.
A new year began and in March 2012 my youngest daughter had her second child. What a thrill to have another baby in the family and I observed the adjustments this new life was bringing into her family – another new beginning – change package.
I’ve been working full time in the corporate world, like most of you. But recently, at the end of April, that job took a turn and went out of state – another new beginning – change package. What do I do now in my ‘golden years’? When I took this job almost 4 years ago, I didn’t think I would enter the corporate world again. Before then, I thought I would explore my passions and personal interests and see what I had to offer the world but because of money flow situations it played a big part in the decision of getting back in the corporate world and taking another full time position.
Another new beginning – change package came also in April in losing my husband’s 93-year old mother and very much a mother to me as well. It’s a new beginning for her as well as for us realizing the emptiness left without her. This was a hard one and always is when you lose someone you love no matter what age. It brings up emotions you don’t want to feel and old-time questions we never seem to have answers for when someone dies. At the same time it takes us out of this world for a moment to reflect on the preciousness of life and take a review of our priorities.
Finally, last month in May, I was sitting with family in Richey Stadium at Denver University watching my oldest grandson’s high school graduation ceremony – I remember that new beginning – life package when I graduated from high school so many years ago. So many possibilities this graduation holds for him. It’s a day you look forward to when you get a bigger taste of independence shifting the focus from school, friends and having fun to first glimpses of the future – scary.
If we live long enough, life seems to bring us around full circle back to where I’m at now still lingering at this new beginning – change package of what I’m going to be doing now. I feel like I’ve been given my life back and I want to find ways to make it fulfilling, valuable and helpful to others. This will be my life beginning – change gift to you sharing my life stories whatever the package looks like with the hope you will be encouraged as we all make these journeys together on this big ball we call Earth. You’re not out there alone loving, laughing, crying and praying.
Don’t ever allow yourself to think this is all there is and life is boring. When new beginnings – changes come, whether they appear difficult or exciting, pay close attention and welcome them with openness no matter how uncomfortable. You may be at a crossroads about to discover the new found freedom you can have with the opportunities they present – something new and exciting never before dreamed. Let me know what new beginnings – changes you have in your life. I’m interested in how it’s going for you.
“When you are inspired . . .
dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive,
and you discover yourself to be a greater person
by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” – Pantajali
Pat from the ol’ kitchen table
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